Tuesday, October 31, 2023

What a mighty God we serve!!πŸ™πŸ»☀️

Paidi Ruairi Nolan touched down this morning at 9.40AM. Fresh from God, newest member of our fast-growing family. We are beyond grateful. No words! Little brother for Daithi.

‘You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb’.         (Psalm 139:13)

Rain bucketing down as I made my way to St. Anne’s for Holy Rosary in the afternoon but I hardly felt one drop!! My grateful, light as a feather heart dancing for joy in the knowledge that I am now Nan to no less than six little ones!! I love every minute of being Mom and now I’m loving every minute of being Nan too. I am truly blessed!

In St. Anne’s, young guy visiting his Godmother sat in our midst throughout the whole Rosary and trimmings. What joy for my precious folk. Clearly young guy enjoying every minute too as he unashamedly prayed and sang along.

One can live many years with no thought of God and even live well. Only problem is though that one fine day it will all come to an abrupt end. What then???

We find out that God is all we need when God is all we’ve got!!

I sang at Holy Mass tonight, All Saints vigil. My sister Mai joined in. Precious. Ours was not always an easy alliance. 

The longer I live the more I know and believe without a shadow of a doubt, that every single thing is gift. Holy Trinity, one God will never be outdone in generosity.

Co-operate with Grace is all we are asked to do. 

‘Don’t spend your energies on things that generate worry, anxiety and anguish. Only one thing is necessary: Lift up your spirit and love God’. (St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina)

‘Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet’. (Bob Marley)

This morning (1/11) two wonderful encounters copper fastening what I wrote yesterday:

Young lady from Albania gifted me beautiful flowers uttering: ‘Thank you. You are like my mother’.

Young lady from Switzerland uttered when I told her that I am a grandmother who loves sharing my powerful prayer: ‘I love talking with elderly folk. You always care about us young people’.

Mom and NanπŸ˜€❤️

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