Thursday, November 9, 2023

Just do it!!☀️

 ‘If you become Christ’s you will stumble upon wonder upon wonder, and every one of them true’.                    (St. Brendan)
Used to be that some prayer-sharing encounters were amazing, nowadays all of them are! and so many!!

One such encounter - after 3PM Live-streamed Holy Rosary in Church yesterday I gifted a really lovely couple my prayer. Their son, they told me, was doing a piece for television on Monsignor Hugh o’Flaherty. Colm (their son) and his work crew all happily accepted my prayer. Thing is, Colm works too for EWTN and that’s where my powerful prayer was born.

St. Anne’s Holy Rosary today, Jay dashed to his bedroom for his rosary beads. Not long ago he was far too shy to attend, let alone pray a whole decade. So wonderful to behold!! Non-verbal dear lady who makes the sign of the Cross with all of her heart every time we meet, like she is drawing a cozy comforting snug blanket around us both (which of course she is!). What a heavenly greeting! In St. Anne’s, there’s a fierce fine line between who is giving and who is receiving!

I got to pray Chaplet of Divine Mercy at dear Mossy’s bedside. Dear friend of my parents. Soon he will be safely home in Heaven above.

On my way home, young builder guy produced my prayer from his high-vis jacket pocket in the pouring rain. Accepting it freely a few days ago but not at all sure he would be praying it every morning. Today I’m not so sure! God’s amazing Grace.

I sent Mary a riddle through WhatsApp this evening only because she danced into my heart out of the blue. Turns out Mary was feeling quite tearful at that moment and my riddle made her smile.
(Five frogs sitting on a log. Three decided to jump off. How many were left? Answer: Five. 
Three decided to jump but did not. Indecision!).

I love what Monsignor Eugene Morris said this evening on EWTN/Women of Grace:
‘Do we want to change the world? Yes!!
and the beauty is if you attend in prudence to what you’re supposed to do, you are actually going to change the world’. 
Just do it!!

‘O my God, teach me to be generous, to serve You as You deserve to be served, to give without counting the cost, to fight without fear of being wounded, to work without seeking rest, and to spend myself without expecting any reward, but the knowledge that I am doing Your Holy will. Amen’. 
(St. Ignatius of Loyola)

‘Thus, after coming each evening to the foot of Your alter, I will finally reach the last evening of my life. Then will begin for me the unending day of eternity when I will place in Your divine heart the struggles of exile. Amen’. (St. Therese of Lisieux)

Right now, ruminating on how I love the sound of gale-force wind swirling around my little cottage, I open ‘He and I’, (Jesus to Gabrielle Bossis) and to my sheer delight, read the following: ‘If only to have the joy of your thanks, I would create weather like this’. 
Wonder upon wonder😀🙏🏻

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