Sunday, November 12, 2023

Sunday morning coming down☀️πŸ™πŸ»

              ‘We swim like little fish in the ocean of God’s mercy’. (St. Teresa Margaret/1770)

I got to sing at 10AM Holy Mass in Foilmore Church this morning. How can I possibly articulate how beautifully that precious privilege resonates in my deepest heart. Sitting too on that same side of the Church we used to sit, dear Dad, my siblings and I.

Each time I step back inside the front door of that sacred sacrosanct space I am gloriously catapulted back in time. Back then in the sunny long ago, Sunday mornings, weather permitting, Nellie, our dear pony, would ferry all of us to Holy Mass in that little country Church. (Ten miles round trip). Clear as crystal, I now can see in my mind’s eye, Dear Dad holding the reins, Nellie trotting along and us children on top of the world. 

To this day, folk oftentimes remind me how thoroughly they enjoyed hearing all of us sing our hearts out in unison, as we returned home once again to our dear Mom and Sunday lunch. Endlessly we sang and still do!! One time a neighbour remarked that we were ‘born singing’.

I love how my visiting cats come to dine at the back of my compact cottage while my birds dine in front garden. Never the t’wain shall meet!! Directive on peaceful living and minding one’s own business, delightfully on display right there in these tumultuous times in which we live.

‘O Jesus, we implore You, and we shall always implore You, be pleased to grant us peace in our time’. (St John XX111)

‘Since love completes all, makes all hard things soft, and the difficult easy, let us strive to make all our acts proceed from love’. (St. Arnold Jansen)

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