Tuesday, November 14, 2023

God’s Love in the ordinary☀️πŸ™πŸ»


She gladly accepted my Medugorje rosary beads from Mother Mary and then she began to cry. I told her that Mother Mary put in my heart that each time someone receives one of my Medugorje rosary beads, Mother Mary herself is present in a special way. Mother Mary is a living person.

Lady, visibly moved, uttered through her diamond tears how ridiculous she must appear sobbing uncontrollably. So I told her what my dear friend Rosie had to say one time as I berated myself for thoughtlessly discarding stuff and then wasting myriad minutes searching for it: ‘Oh no dear. Never talk to yourself in that way. Others will be more than happy to do it for you’.

‘And another thing’, I added, as we parted company. ‘Mother Mary has lifted my heart too in our beautiful surprise encounter this morning’. 

Precious moments like these, there’s a fine line between who is giving and who is receiving. Every action is a transaction!

Wonderful Holy Spirit prompt to place a rosary beads in my pocket as I prepared for Holy Mass this morning. Mother Mary looking out for her dear child in need. I merely the humble conduit of God’s redemptive grace and light.

What a precious privilege for me.

Dearest Mother Mary, Queen of peace. Keep our troubled minds at ease’. Amen.

‘I am terribly afraid of intruding on people’s personal inner lives. But when I write personally about myself and my own religious feelings, it is because my heart yearns towards others, that they may know the happiness I do.
Well, my great comfort is that God loves them more than I do, and God our Father wills that all men be saved, and when I pray, ‘Thy will be done’, I’m praying for their salvation’. 
(Dorothy Day/The reckless way of Love)
I love Dorothy Day❤️

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