Thursday, November 30, 2023

Let go☀️πŸ™πŸ»

‘He will provide the way and the means, such as you could never have imagined. Leave it all to Him, let go of yourself, lose yourself on the Cross, and you will find yourself entirely’. (St. Catherine of Siena)

For no particular reason (or so I thought) I took a different route to Church this morning and thoroughly enjoyed two amazing encounters. First one, lady all the way from Ghana. Gladly accepting my prayer she enquired: ‘Are you a preacher?’. I couldn’t help laughing as I told her that in fact I make sure to say every time I share my prayer: ‘I am sharing not preaching!’. Beautiful lady on her own healing journey, walking with Jesus coz He knows the way!! Her own route, different also to the one she normally takes. Divine appointment!

Second, tall handsome Ukrainian gentleman. He used to pray one time but not anymore. He has no need of it. ‘There are other ways of achieving happiness in life’, he told me. We talked awhile from our respective standpoints and just when I had no idea what to say next, wonderful Holy Spirit to the rescue: ‘You yourself may not need prayer in your life, Sir’, I suggested, ‘But your Homeland Ukraine most certainly does’. He nodded in agreement, we both shook hands and parted company. Every problem is a ‘Prayer’ problem!!

In Church, wonderful warm encounter with French couple. Touring Ireland in their Camper Van, happy and delighted to be in our Church. As they joyfully accepted my prayer, gentleman uttered: ‘You can pray it with the rain’, referring to the fact that my powerful prayer is laminated and rain always at the ready here!!

Quick lunch in Centra Cafe before dashing to St. Anne’s for Holy Rosary with my precious folk. Dear friend Patricia picked me up enroute and dropped me right to the door of St. Anne’s. Joseph, who for the longest time would only nod (no words), now asks every single time: ‘When are you coming here again’ as I’m about to take my leave of that sacred sacrosanct space. No words by me, to articulate how that makes my heart feel.

Upon returning home, a friend dropped by with items of clothing for anyone in need. Within minutes, if not seconds, text to my phone re newcomers to our town who could use a thing or two. Synchronicity. Amazing, as always, how Father God fits everything together for good!! Astonishment!! Deep gratitude consuming every fibre of my being.

I love how one guy put it, as he spoke of one lady who takes more than the others do, even though all of them are in the same boat: ‘She is blocking her future blessings’. He himself in need too but considering everyone else before his own needs, every single time. Smart man! He or she who knows that enough is enough will always have enough.

In the midst of all the above I am lovingly gifted glorious ‘white as snow’ snug coat from the heart of a dear lady. ‘Wear it on Christmas day’, was all she said!

                                ‘The Lord has turned all our sunsets into sunrise’. (St. Clement’)

                                          ‘Bread, Peace and Paradise’. (St. Luigi Orione)

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