Monday, December 4, 2023

Time out☀️

‘Advent is like springtime in nature when everything is renewed and so is fresh and healthy. Advent is meant to do the same for us’. (St. Teresa of Calcutta)

Rest and renewal in the bosom of my fine family, in these glorious brand new Advent days. This morning, strolling to Holy Mass, thanking Father God for His bountiful blessings, into my heart popped: ‘Pay no attention to how many follow you. Pay all attention to Whom you are following’. No need to elaborate!!

                          ‘Keep our eyes upon Jesus. Look full on His beautiful Face’. (Hymn)

Friendly greeting with pleasant elderly gentleman holding his newly purchased Daily Mirror newspaper but alas no prayer in my coat pocket. All of them in my rucksack. Perhaps we will meet again tomorrow morning, please God. (Prayers in pocket from now on!)

When Father told us that as always Monday morning Holy Mass is offered for our dear ‘Holy Souls’, my grateful heart skipped a beat! I had already planned to pray especially this morning for the gentle soul of Shane McGowan rip. 

Busy little town this and yet only twelve of us at Holy Mass. (I counted). Got to thinking though that Jesus started off with just twelve!! They sure made a difference and with God’s Holy help we will too. I heard a priest say once: ‘Holy Mass every Sunday by obligation. Holy Mass every day by invitation’.

Every Monday morning too, tea and buns in Sacristy after Holy Mass. I was graciously invited and enjoyed every minute. One guy who took my prayer, will copy it for anyone and everyone he meets. Others happily accepted it too. 

If folk could only witness for themselves how utterly joyful, hilarious and interesting one Priest (in Persona Christi) and twelve Church-goers, enjoying tea and chat in a Sacristy, away from the limelight and the madding crowd, truly are!

‘I will go anywhere and do anything in order to communicate the love of Jesus to those who do not know Him or have forgotten Him’. (St. Frances Xavier Cabrini)

‘The language of the Gospels, the style used by our Lord leads us more directly to contemplation than the technical language of the surest and loftiest theology’. (Garrigou-Lagrange).

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