Sunday, December 24, 2023

Christmas Eve πŸŽ„☀️

‘The whole of my life has been has been God’s gift’. (St. Josephine Bakhita)
I love Christmas Eve. Sense of expectation as we strolled to Holy Mass this morning, my gorgeous grand daughter Aoife and I. Chatting and sharing, too wonderful for words.

Young lady from Brazil agreed to take our photo in Church after Holy Mass and for her generosity of spirit was gifted my powerful prayer. Another lady grieving the sudden passing of her dear Mom joyfully received my prayer too.  Oh to witness her smile through her tears, gracious gift to my grateful heart.

Tea and buns afterwards in local restaurant, outdoors in the crisp air. Aoife suggested renaming my blog: ‘Life of a lively Nan’. Pleasant young guy took our photo there and received two prayers, one for his brother too.

Killian and I drove home to Kerry this evening, stopping for tea and chocolate cake in Killarney. On this Holy Christmas night we are home safe and sound Thank God.

‘We have been called to heal wounds, to unite what has fallen apart, and to bring home those who have lost their way’. (St. Francis of Assisi)

‘Grandparents are good at teaching us that life is not a sprint, that it takes time and that growth comes in often hidden and mysterious ways’. (Fr. Dennis Gallagher A.A.)

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