Friday, December 29, 2023

Don’t let anyone steal your joy☀️

My God, You are my life. You never leave me alone. 
You are in my pilgrimages right to the end of my life. Amen
I told Jesus; ‘I’m annoyed with D’. His reply; ‘I’m not’. That was it! There and then my anger burden fell to the ground shattering into one million pieces. Perfect peace restored once more to my wounded heart. Unshackled, free as a bird to go about my day.

Oh Jesus I am so grateful to You. Your beautiful wisdom swopped the grey day I was heading into at full speed for a most glorious one full of light and life.

Delightful prayer encounter with German ladies in Church. Definitely their first time ever to be gifted a prayer from random Kerry granny. (Or any other granny!) Taken aback, joyfully declaring aloud: ‘This is so lovely’. Retired Docter on his way to Holy Crib visibly thrilled with his prayer gift too.

Praying Holy Rosary in St. Anne’s Dayroom, witnessing with my own eyes precious folk relax into prayerful peace, agitated minds calming for a while. Miraculous. (When all else has scarpered from one’s life, prayer, song and laughter steadfastly endure).

‘You have turned my mourning into dancing for me; You have put off my sackcloth and girded me with gladness’. (Psalm 30:11)

Gratefully pondering, had the water pipe that burst in our kitchen St. Stephen’s night (gushing water everywhere at the rate of knots) happened some days earlier while we were away with family, our cozy compact cottage would now be destitute. Unliveable! So much to be grateful to God for at all times.

Gratefully pondering too, regarding my sleep deprived nights (Christmas revellers returning home well past the midnight hour), always enough energy next day to carry out God’s Divine will for my life. Energy and sleep!! God owns both. Allelulia!

Living, to the best of my poor ability, an active, not an agitated life, while walking every step in the gladsome light of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Next time I get annoyed with another or maybe even myself, Jesus beautiful words: ‘I’m not’ will shift my gaze, propelling me on to higher ground.

‘To use this life well is the pathway through death to everlasting life’. (St. John Almond)

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