Sunday, December 31, 2023

New Year’s Eve☀️

‘Only by the lives of My followers can man be helped; only by seeing Mine unmoved, at peace, joyful, in a world of sorrow, disillusionment and mistrust’. (Jesus/ God calling)
Heading to 10AM Holy Mass this morning, New Year’s Eve, Feast of the Holy Family, prayers in my pocket, rain dangerously hovering. First guy walking his dog had just passed me by when I asked if he would like a morning prayer.  Highly amused, he replied’: ‘A prayer? Ok. I’ll give it to herself’. ‘No, I will give you a prayer for your wife too’, I said. ‘Men love passing my prayer on to their wife (sometimes their mother!) when they might really enjoy praying it themselves’. He seemed chuffed with my suggestion!!

‘I’m Bridget from Kerry’, I said. ‘Oh. We are going to a wedding in Kerry today’, he replied still laughing. This lovely gentleman spurred me on to keep offering my powerful prayer this beautiful Holy Family Feast day.

Holy Mass, delightful chat with elderly lady who told me that she received my prayer last Christmas and she loves it. ‘I know a man who received it too and he really loves it’, she told me. Her words filled me with joy keeping my feet firmly focused on my mission. Hail, rain or shine.

Lady on SuperValu queue told me that she will pray my prayer every morning with her husband who suffers with Alzheimer’s. Music to my ears, spending time as I do with dear folk living in that same predicament. She took a prayer for her friend too.

Sales assistant where I purchased leggings (definitely a change of clothes would be needed) was overjoyed with my prayer, others too.

Takeaway tea from SuperValu as I headed back to my loving family, blown about by torrential rain and gale force wind. Newly purchased umbrella decimated, sorry sight to behold for sure, one would surmise.

Looks can be deceiving though! Who in their right mind would venture to imagine that my New Year’s Eve morning 2023 was perhaps my best one yet!! (and yes, I probably said exactly that, last year too……)

‘O Holy Family, the Family so closely united to the mystery which we contemplate on the day of the Lord’s Birth, guide with your example the families of the whole earth’. (Pope St. John Paul11)

Beautiful Nativity scene in plain sight. Smart SuperValu, Midleton.🌟

Dinner with Donal in Dunmanway on our way back home to Kerry.☀️

My alarm, waking me up for Holy Mass this morning, intruded on my dreaming as I divulged to a lady (not known to me) that: ‘I am so in love with Jesus in most Holy Eucharist’.πŸ˜€πŸ™πŸ»☀️(I am!!).
                                     Dreaming - Royal road to the subconscious.

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