Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Katy’s Hymn ๐ŸŽถ☀️๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

‘Nothing is more beautiful than love. Indeed faith and hope will end when we die whereas love, that is, charity, will last for eternity’. (Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati)

Donal, on his way to Christmas dinner at my sister Chris and Joe’s home, joined Killian and I for beautiful Christmas Day Holy Mass. When the choir began to sing that ancient angelic hymn ‘Silent night’, poor desolate Donal shed sorrowful tears. I too, overwhelmed and deeply moved. Then, without a shadow of a doubt we knew in our heart that our dear Katy rip was particularly present to all of us. No words to articulate it, we just knew! Killian who loved his aunty deeply, and she him, felt her gentle presence too. 

Singular moment of Grace on this most Holiest of days. Christ our Saviour is born. Allelulia!

One year ago, (Christmas Eve 2022), heartbreakingly, I sang ‘Silent night’ from Dunmanway Church gallery as my dear sister Katy was being taken from church in her coffin. I watched her go as I sang. Unthinkable now. Donal wanted with all his heart for me to sing at his dear wife’s funeral Holy Mass and for sure, God’s amazing Grace enveloped and guided me every inch of the way.  

Fitting that now ‘Silent night’, my favourite hymn of all time is ‘Katy’s hymn’ too. 

‘The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shone’. (Isaiah 9:1)

Christmas Day swim. Killian braving the broad Atlantic.๐Ÿฅถ

‘Best Christmas Day ever’ I declared last night to which Killian replied: ‘And you say exactly that every year’. Whatta mighty God we serve!!

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