Friday, December 15, 2023


Hearing my boys tell of their Christmas work parties, in full swing right now ferries to my mind an event from over twenty years ago. One thing renews another!

I had just returned back home to Kerry in the glorious company of my small boys, after a sabbatical of twenty eight years in Dublin. Country living once again. Music lifted my weary spirit and so cd’s rang out their merry tune almost all of the time in our compact cottage. Life for me is and always has been better by far with music in it.

P.J. Murrihy’s voice captivated me, one song in particular. Gloomy tale of some poor guy trying every Christmas to save enough dollars for the flight home to Ireland from America but ended up drinking his savings instead. Alas and alack, he never did succeed in making it back home to Ireland. That lonesome line: ‘I fall off the wagon again’, deeply pierced my heart. Thinking of my own Eric and all others steeped in awful addiction, I would shed bitter tears.

One day however my P.J. Murrihy cd was nowhere to be found, evaporated into thin air! Time passed and I had forgotten all about it when some months later, while searching for something else I found it tucked away in a drawer. Thrilled, I placed it in the cd player and surprisingly, this time I could listen, enjoy and not cry.

Busy getting on with our life (and having a breather from playing that cd), unbeknownst to me, Beautiful Jesus healed another piece of my broken heart and He’s been doing just that in His own imitable way ever since. All Glory to God forever and ever. Amen

Turns out my dear boys had hidden my tearjerker cd. What kindness and compassion! No cd - no tears for Mom. Little boys doing their best to fix things. (Even though I did my utmost to hide my tears from them, they could always tell). 

‘For the curse of the drink is upon me, It softens my will and my brain. Whenever I save a few dollars I fall off the wagon again’. (The Land of the Gael/P.J. Murrihy)

I heard someone say only yesterday: ‘Freedom is the opposite to addiction - not sobriety’. Sobering thought that!!

I love to tell folk that just like me, their tears will dry too. Patience endures all things!

                                Anyone who follows you Lord will have the light of life. Amen

‘The adorable heart of Jesus is our comfort, our way, our life’. (St. Frances Xavier Cabrini.)

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