Thursday, December 7, 2023


‘God’s works are done with clasped hands and on our knees. Even when we ‘run’ we must rest spiritually on our knees before Him’. (St. Luigi Orione)
I love my little book ‘God calling’. Comforting always all days. This morning’s wisdom from Jesus particularly magnificent and totally true I can declare. So many wonderful happenings every day and definitely not by happenstance.

Just back home from six pampering ‘rest and renewal’ days in the bosom of my loving family and wishing (telling myself I deserved) to remain on holiday mode just a little while longer. (Hubris). Then, like a gentle breeze, Jesus spoke into my heart; ‘Folk call on you just like you call on Me’. (I know so well when it is Jesus who speaks!)

Guided! without a shadow of a doubt, I knew exactly what I had to do. Dear lady struggling right now could really use some help and so I called her up. Surprised and sobbing the whole time, she spoke the same words over and over; ‘Oh Jesus, Thankyou Jesus’.   

Holiday time well and truly over for now, happy as can be back in action, by, with and for beautiful Jesus, my bestest friend. No where else in this world would I rather be!                                       

‘To use this life well is the pathway through death to everlasting life’. (St. John Almond)

Sweetest Jesus, Body and Blood most Holy, be the delight and pleasure of my soul. Be my strength and salvation in all temptations. My joy and peace in every trial. My light and guide in every word and deed and my final protection in death. Amen


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