Thursday, October 26, 2023

Pilot Pete✈️

Wonderfully uplifting faith-sharing encounter with Pilot Pete all the way from Chicago in Church this afternoon. As we parted company I told him: ‘Every time I fly I wish with all my heart I possessed enough courage to gift our pilot my prayer. So many times I plan on doing it but lose my nerve every time’.

‘Oh but you must’, Pilot Pete exclaimed. ‘A prayer and a cookie and say Pilot Pete told you’.

‘A Pilot who prays’, I beamed with delight. ‘How consoling for crew and passengers on board’.

‘There are many of us’, he gently replied. 

Next time πŸ™πŸ» ✈️ please God. My powerful prayer is about to fly!! 

‘Holiness consists simply in doing God’s will, and being just what God wants us to be’. 
(The Little Flower)

So glad I said ‘yes’ early this morning  (28th), when my friend called wondering if she might drop by for tea and chat even though every fibre of my being yearned to refuse! Saturday morning my only morning to stay home and far away from the madding crowd!!
Turns out my dear friend had lots on her mind, not least her beautiful granddaughter emerging finally after many months of self-enforced hibernation in her own home. Bullied in school God love her.
I sent that young lady my powerful prayer. She will pray it every morning and all of Heaven will be minding her now. 
Thank you Holy Spirit for Your awesome guidance in my life always!!

‘I love these little people; and it is not a slight thing when they, who are so fresh from God, love us’. 
(Charles Dickens)

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