Thursday, October 5, 2023

One day at a time☀️

‘I know by experience how one should take the hardships as they come, day by day, one by one, rather than look forward or backward either. To live in the ‘now’ is to be like little children. To be utterly dependent on our Father is to be like little children’. (Dorothy Day)

Yesterday, feeling overwhelmed realising the pittance I can do for impoverished folk arriving in our town right now, when compared to their gigantic need. Flash in the pan! Poor folk possessing nothing, sometimes not even the bare essentials! Abject poverty!

Then, gently, wonderful Holy Spirit spoke into my deepest spirit: ‘Whoever I bring to you on any one day’. Real moment of being overrun by Grace. God is calling us to do good TODAY!

Glorious peace restored! One day at a time, dear Jesus. The Lord is always sending messages to our hearts. Thankyou Jesus, You kept me safe from sinking!

We try to do our best. God will do the rest!

‘The Grace of God pursued me at every step and God spoke to me when I least expected it..’(St. Faustina)

I had forgotten too that today is St. Francis of Assisi Feast day. ‘Start by doing what is necessary: then do what is possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible’. (St. Francis)

Francis loved ‘Lady Poverty’. As I write, my phone rings. Lady caller’s name from distant continent: ‘Francesca’!!

Many of us have overflowing wardrobes. Sharing is good for body and soul.

I am in awe of our visitors’ kindness towards one another. Constantly sharing the little they have with one in their midst who possesses even less!! Truly living witnesses of Jesus Christ in our town.

‘Our spirituality should come from living deeply with the poor. A spirituality of being with vulnerable people and of being vulnerable with them - that’s the great journey!’.
 (Henri.J.M. Nouwen/The road to peace)

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