Friday, September 15, 2023

Medugorje ☀️๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

‘Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin’. 
         (St. Mother Teresa)
To be here in Medugorje for one whole week!! Rest and renewal wrapped in Mother Mary’s comforting arms. Mother Mary turns our lives the right way up.

Always she is leading us to her beautiful Son Jesus through the power of wonderful Holy Spirit. At journey’s end we will be safely home in Heaven forever with our dear Father God. Holy Trinity one God!! Mother Mary, angels and saints too, all of us happy together forever. Allelulia!

Countless prayer-sharing encounters. Already far too many to recount, all of them forever in my heart and prayer. Like gentle lady selling pretty items from her basket: ‘I used to be really shy’, she told with her incredible smile - ‘But Jesus healed my heart’.

Leaving home I still hadn’t purchased gifts for two friends here in Medugorje. As we drove along in the pouring rain somebody spied a roadside stall selling jam and honey. ‘They have St. Brigid crosses too’, uttered Christine. I hopped out (with driver’s permission) and purchased two. Oh what delight my roadside gifts bestowed on my friends. Awesome Holy Spirit!

Holy Mass this morning in St. James, Father reminded us that: ‘We have a Mother looking out for us every minute of our lives’. Our own dear mothers are praying for us always, our dear Mother Mary is not alone praying for us, She walks with us every step of our life-journey. Jesus and Mary never leaving our sides. Somebody one time remarked that we are in a ‘Witness protection program’.๐Ÿ˜€

I am reminded right now of words I received in a dream: ‘Nothing to fear. Jesus is here’!!

‘When we appeal to the throne of Grace we do so through Mary, honouring God by honouring His Mother, imitating Him by exalting Her, touching the most responsive chord in the Sacred Heart of Christ with the sweet name of Mary’. (St. Robert Bellarmine)

Dearest Mother Mary, Queen of peace. Keep our troubled minds at ease. Amen

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