Sunday, September 17, 2023


Four priests led us in prayer at 7.30AM this morning as we walked the Via Dolorosa with Jesus and Mary. Thank you Jesus for walking with me in the pleasant person of Ger. ‘Duine le Dia’. Incredibly beautiful every step of the sorrowful way.

One of my fellow-pilgrims upset and anxious that all pharmacies in the village were shut, it being Holy Sabbath day. I enquired what her need might be and embarrassedly she whispered that her dentures had cracked. Wouldn’t you know! I had fixodent in my bag. Awesome Holy Spirit!! (I never use it! In my bag just in case!)
Anna and I thrilled to catch up again. Last May I gifted her my pretty umbrella. Too cumbersome to haul back to Ireland.☂️ Working in gift-shop, Anna overheard Father blessing Christine and me. She came and prayed silently near us - and that is how our surprise Holy Spirit encounter came about today. Alleluia.

Every time I meet a Priest in this Holy place I ask for his Priestly Blessing. What a gift from God. Forevermore more and wherever, I will do likewise. We must never forget that our Holy Priest is in persona Christi! ‘I will not let you go unless you bless me’. (Genesis 32:22)

Looking forward to spending precious moments with beautiful Jesus in Blessed Sacrament but sadly could not remain long in His gentle healing presence. Really tired (hardly any sleep last night) and my poor toe really painful. On way home two charming ladies on seeing my predicament shed some light on my plight.

I am reminded of my dear Dad’s prayer each time he departed from Holy alter: ‘Come with me Jesus. Sanctify all I do since ALL is for You’. Amen

Resting now and all is well with the world.

I love Medugorje 🌟

‘May the Holy Spirit enkindle you with the fire of His love so that you may persevere, unfailingly, in the love of His service. Thus you may merit to become, at last, a living stone in the celestial Jerusalem’.
(St. Hildegard Von Bingen)

                                                     True Friend and fellow pilgrim Christine.☀️

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