Sunday, September 10, 2023

All will be well☀️

‘Sometimes it seems after praying a long time that we have received no answer. We should not let this disturb us. God simply wishes us to wait for a more suitable time, or for more Grace, or for a better gift. (All will be well/Julian of Norwich)

Never to be forgotten, Killian running down the hall shouting: ‘I got the job-offer’. Oh how often we had dreamed and imagined that very moment!!

Two months watching, waiting and praying for a good result. Moments of high-reaching hope, many more of dark despair. 

Last weekend ‘lightbulb’ moment. Clarity! My prayer going forward would be one of acceptance;

‘Father God, I want with all my heart what Killian wants dearly - that he would secure a job-offer in Vancouver and return to normal life once more. He is so tired of it all and I am too. But now I see that Your plans for Killian are above and beyond my puny paltry ones. Mine mere sawdust by comparison! I am blocking Your way dear Father God and now I am bowing out and letting You be God coz I am not!!

Three days later job-offer touches down!

Yesterday I rang Killian asking his whereabouts and he replied: ‘Sitting in Church. I am very grateful’.

‘If we do not trust as much as we pray, we do not honour God fully, and we place obstacles in our path’. (Julian of Norwich)

Another beautiful Barbara book☀️ gifted to me after the ‘job-offer’ exhilarating event took place. Life certainly is lived forward but can only be understood backwards!!

Lord teach me to pray and trust more fully in You. Give me assurance that You are with me always and teach me to be content with the plan You have for me and all Your creatures. Amen

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