Thursday, September 7, 2023

Holy Moments☀️

My dear friend Barbara has gifted me yet another hugely insightful book and I am absolutely thrilled to bits. ‘Holy moments’. What a wonderful title!

As always, myriad ‘Holy moments’ as I went about my day today. 

Elderly couple holding hands strolling along in the morning sunshine pause for a moment letting me know that the pretty photograph I randomly took of them some time ago is now fondly framed on their nightstand. ‘Holy moment’ indeed.

Singing ‘Bind us together Lord’ at end of Holy Mass and everyone present joining in. Movingly beautiful!!

Lady requesting two rosary beads for her boys beginning College soon. ‘You’re the only one I could think to ask’, she said. What an honour for me! Perfect timing too! Please God I will be returning from Medugorje week after next, laden down with Mother Mary blue Rosary beads.

Guy delivering my brand new iPhone phone (old one fell to the ground shattering the screen) happily accepted my prayer with the words: ‘Every day is a good day to receive a prayer’. Terminally ill guy’s wife told me her poor husband might begin praying my prayer today please God. I pray that he does🙏🏻

Young guy enjoying his beer and tome ‘Game of thrones’ in afternoon sunshine told me he prays ‘now and then’ but perhaps he will pray my prayer every morning. Placing it in his book I thought to myself even if my ‘powerful prayer’ is simply his bookmark for now…..Who knows what might come to pass!!

Derm’s text lit up my day: ‘I listened to his audiobook on his life, He lived a crazy life in a beautiful way. Like you Mam’. (Bob Mortimer’s life). That my lovely son would grant me such an undeserved compliment! ‘Holy moment’ indeed!

In St. Anne’s Holy Rosary this afternoon, Liz (95yrs) upset and anxious about much. After we prayed Holy Rosary together she took my hands in her own, uttering: ‘When you came in here today, God came in’. My heart!!

Smashing encounter with adorable retired Indian couple. Their’s an arranged marriage, getting wed one week after they first met over fifty years ago. What a tale of sheer delight! ‘God takes care of us’, they told me - meaning every single one of us and not just themselves. They loved my ‘powerful prayer’ too. Holy moment!

                                             ‘I have God for my help’. (Psalm 54:6)

‘Holy Moments are the solution to the world’s problems. This great collaboration between God and humanity is the untested solution to our problems. Unholy moments got us into this mess and only Holy Moments will get us out of it’. (‘Holy Moments’/Matthew Kelly)

Barbara sent me this right now with the words: ‘Today’s Holy Moment’. ☀️🙏🏻

‘Holy moments remind us that the future can be better than the past. They fill us with hope. They show us that we have a vital role to play in bringing about that better future. Holy moments empower us to give others the gift of Hope, and the ability to give other people hope is profoundly beautiful’.
 (‘Holy moments’/Matthew Kelly)

Holy moment! Killian received job-offer. Vancouver next week please God. Of course I will be sad to see him go but over the moon for him.☀️
It is impossible to be grateful and unhappy at the same time🙏🏻

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