Saturday, September 23, 2023

Lead Kindly Light amid the encircling doom๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป☀️☀️

‘For if we have received the love which restores meaning to our lives, how can we fail to share that love with others’. (Pope Francis)

Ravenous Kitty at the bus stop so I dashed to supermarket for some ham. When Kitty was done she hopped onto our bus only coz she could. On the bus I gifted elderly Ukrainian lady my rosary beads and she gifted me her neatly wrapped chocolate (two squares). Every action a transaction!!

Many wonderful prayer-sharing encounters with young folk on my train journey too. I noticed Ashton bless himself as we passed by a Church but when we spoke he told me that his parents do not attend Church anymore and so neither does he. He has no idea why he blesses himself!! Super attentive and present as I told him all about the Sacrament of Confession and Holy Eucharist. (Therapist will impart skills on managing our guilt and shame. Jesus, in the Sacrament of Confession wipes our guilt and shame away! Brand new start).

Two young girls very interested too as was Finn who happily abandoned his laptop for the duration of our chat. Their parents do not attend Church anymore either. I am overjoyed to write, this night, that four beautiful young people plan to have Confession soon!! and joyfully receive Holy Eucharist.

 Sunshiny day for sure, glory be to God. Never before today have I talked with young folk about Confession and Holy Eucharist. Judging by their bowled-over reaction, I intent to avail of any and every opportunity that will come my way for the remainder of my life here on earth.

One thing renews another! memory from sixteen years ago dances into my heart. Working in High Support Hostel, caring for elderly psychiatric beautiful souls, scrubbing floors as my tears flowed freely. ‘Why could You not have let me keep that one thing’, I quizzed God. ‘Haven’t I suffered enough already?’.  What happened next remains forever in my heart…..

‘You will live longer and you will do good’, that still small voice whispered clearly from somewhere deep inside. Startled, sobbing still, I uttered aloud: ‘That is probably my imagination’. Again that still small voice whispered: ‘I am in your imagination too you know’.

Fellow-Elders! Our young folk need us now more than any other time. This I know!! Many, like my young folk today are extremely fortunate to have already received the Sacraments. Now they need our wisdom and guidance to understand how blessed they are.

‘I am sent not only to love God but to make Him loved. It is not enough for me to love God, if my neighbour does not love Him’. (St. Vincent de Paul)

                                            ‘Woe to me if I do not proclaim the Gospel’. (1Cor-9:16)

‘If, as Saint Teresa of Avila tells us, one soul, not a saint but seeking sanctity, is more precious to God than thousands living common lives, how delightful then, the achievement of setting the first steps of many in the path that turns aside from the ordinary rut’, (Frank Duff)

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