Thursday, May 6, 2021

A beautiful picture.🧿

Oftentimes when the designated singer is unable to attend Holy Mass, Father invites me to sing, ‘When all fruit fails, welcome haws’! 

No preparation, I accept gratefully and humbly, without a thought or care, whispering in my deepest heart; ‘You sing please Jesus because You never sing bad’. My one task - hold the microphone in that Sacred Sacrosanct Space. I know and believe without question or doubt that on my own, the outcome is good, with Jesus on the other hand, the outcome is superb. 

That sublime truth must be proclaimed from the mountaintops. Folk deserve to be informed what an awesome adventure life is, walking with our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, as He leads us home to Heaven. Doing all things with Jesus, changes all things for good, down to the smallest detail.

In my childhood, whenever  a visitor would drop by on a winter’s night, dear Dad would almost always say in the course of the evening: ‘Sing a song, Bridge’. Off I would go, without a thought or a care, never would it enter my mind to refuse, that was just the way it was. One time, an older sibling shared with me how difficult she thought it must have been to stand and sing just like that, impromptu. I remember being surprised, slightly confused, in my mind it was enjoyable, normal and natural. 

The manner in which history repeats itself utterly fascinates me. Over fifty years ago, when I sang for my Dad and his friend in our compact cozy family home, little did I realise I was in training for this wonderful life I live now, singing with Jesus. 

On the Pilgrimage of life, in the economy of Salvation, nothing is wasted, every tiny item vital, a place for everything and everything in it’s place.

‘God knows how to put everything in place, like a jigsaw puzzle, to make a beautiful picture’.                      (Corrie Ten Boom)

‘We can trust God, not just in His grand design for our lives and the eventual happy ending to the story, but in His promise that we will have a companion in every circumstance, however fearful’. (Bruce Larson)

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