Saturday, May 15, 2021

Sweet lullaby.πŸŽͺ

Killian told me the most beautiful heartwarming true story today. In the apartment above Killian’s, there’s a family with little twin boys. Every night, around the same time, the little boys awaken from their slumber and begin to cry loudly, in unison. Their sorrowful crying awakens Killian from his slumber too but here’s the thing. Just when all hope of sleep is abandoned, footsteps can be heard entering the little boys’ room. Ever so gently, a soft soothing melody fills the air wafting its way down to Killian’s apartment, their Dad singing a beautiful lullaby to his precious babies. 

In no time at all, all crying subsides as the little boys drift off to sleep. As does Killian. The kindly Dad’s gentle dulcet tones sheds peace and calm over the whole place, restoring order and once again all is well with the world.

What a Dad, makes me want to dance with joy and delight. Kind folk hardly ever make the nine o’clock news but they are there alright - tons of them. The enduring power of Kindness.

‘Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience’. (Colossians 3:12)

Today, I saw another Killian who lives next door, walk gently to his two cats who had just caught a little bird and were in high jinx with their loot. He tamed the cats with his easy demeanour and without uttering a word, seamlessly picked up the little bird, walking away quietly, little bird safe in his cupped hands. The two cats walked away too. Killian’s generosity of spirit transfixed me, my heart immersed in gratitude to God for the beautiful moment I had been gifted. Enduring power of Kindness.☀️
                                                           Killian flying high in Vancouver. πŸ•Š
                                       ‘Made it Ma. Top of the world’. (James Cagney/White heat)
                         Diarmuid arrives In Vancouver. Brothers off and running. Road trip πŸš™πŸ™πŸ»

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