Sunday, May 9, 2021



‘The giving of oneself brings with it an enriching of oneself’. (Saint Pope John Paul 11)

Micheal always available to us in our hour of need. Electrician, up to his eyes at all times, and yet, without fail, he made time, every time, to come to our rescue when we were well beyond our depth. After a sabbatical of twenty eight years, I was home once again, my family in tow, back in the land of my birth, foreign soil, out of our comfort zone for sure. 

Compact cottage we purchased needed lots of work done, definitely marathon, not a sprint. Money in short supply, school and college soaked up whatever funds we had. Micheal was fully aware of the fact that no money would be changing hands any time soon but that never bothered him. His big beautiful heart shone through every time. -  ‘You’re my auntie’, he would say, happy to be of service.

My gift to Micheal this Sunday morning - Holy Water. Precious Sacramental for Aine and Micheal’s  beautiful happy home. 

My boys and I never forget Micheal’s generosity of spirit in our time of need, he holds a very special place in all of our hearts. Nowadays, the boys are grown, money is not scarce anymore, but for us - ‘Eaten bread is not quickly forgotten’. We strive to pay Micheal’s kindness forward in any and every way we can. 

That is the enduring power of kindness, beacon of light in our oftentimes lightless world, beckoning us onwards and upwards to be part of something bigger than ourselves, to make a difference.

‘If you don’t close your ears to others, you open God’s ear to yourself’. (St. Peter Chrysologus)

May we all, in one way or another, continue to “push back the darkness of the world” in our own hearts and in the world, creating space for the Light of the Resurrection to break through’.                             (Amy Barnes/Restoration Newspaper)

Jesus came to earth to bring mercy and salvation to all people. Now that He has ascended into Heaven, He expects us who have called upon Him in our hour of need, to pay forward the help we have received from Him. (From Magnificat magazine)

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