Sunday, May 2, 2021

Covid vaccine.💉

‘If the Lord be with us we have no cause for fear. His eye is upon us, His arm over us, His ear open to our prayer - His grace sufficient. His promise in unchangeable. (John Newton)

First Covid vaccine today, any reason to embark on bus trip to Killarney makes me happy. Loyal friend Mary accompanied me, even though she got her vaccine only a few days ago and is still suffering slight after effects. Real generosity of spirit.

Coming up to today, as I pondered the Covid vaccination, I will be forever grateful to wonderful Holy Spirit for His sublime moment of clarity in the midst of my ruminating; ‘The vaccination is God’s way of turning bad into something good. That’s what Father God does’ - all agonising over and done with from that shining split-second onwards.

Joseph and his Mom got on the bus after some time. Joseph, a young man in his thirties’, began to chat from the moment he sat on the seat behind us, his mom sitting across from him. He told us he loved prayer, reading Holy Bible and other Holy Books. ‘Jesus died on Holy Thursday’, he told me and when I replied ‘yes, on Good Friday’, he looked across to his Mom and excitedly exclaimed- ‘Did you hear that Mom? Jesus died on Good Friday, the crater’. Mom just smiled and nodded serenely. 

Today is the Feast of St. Joseph the worker.

‘A more pleasing praise to God is a soul innocent and filled with childlike trust which through Grace is closely bound to Him’. (St. Faustina-1750)

In an ideal world there would be no pandemic and no vaccinations but God sees and knows all, He can and does turn all things to good. I can grumble, object and cast blame, I can try to decipher the many conspiracy theories floating about in our world in this our day and time, or I can keep my eyes and heart open for whatever God is asking of me right here right now. 

‘For God is not a God of confusion but of Peace’. (1Corinthians 14:33). 


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