Monday, May 10, 2021

Magic hair brush.🪅


My sister Anne dropped by, wonderful surprise on this May Monday morning. She located a glorious hairbrush for herself, just perfect for her new Covid tresses (chopping our hair every six weeks is now a thing of the past, 😃). 
Perhaps I could use one too, God Bless Anne’s big beautiful heart. Covid has blessed us with licence to grow our hair to our heart’s desire, whatever our vintage.

As it happened, I had given up hope of ever finding a suitable hairbrush for my extremely fine wispy hair. Each hairbrush I purchased was harder than the next, and so I had resigned myself to the fact that my humble comb would suffice. Wonderful Holy Spirit knows my every need before I myself am fully aware, and so it was no huge shock that my new superb hairbrush arrived at my door.
‘Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him’. (Matthew:6:8). 

As Anne brushed my hair, she said, laughingly; ‘This is just like long ago’. Instantly, we were young again at home in Kells in our family home. Getting ourselves glamourised for the dance in the ‘Iveragh  Ballroom of romance’, swopping clothes, sharing our one green eyeshadow, jubilantly excited for what might lie ahead. 

Our past travels with us wherever we go, what once was still is, intrinsically. Myriad years have come and gone, but what a gift from God is our joy, laughter and unconditional love. Divine diamonds from the Hands of our ever Gracious God.

‘You make known to me the path of life; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore’. (Psalm 16:11)

My gift to Anne -  Bridie’s beautiful prayer.

Saoirse and Aoife thrilled with their magic hairbrush. No more tangles - no more tears. 

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