Sunday, September 26, 2021


’Each morning He wakes me to hear, to listen like a disciple’. (Isaiah 50:4)

Can you imagine a life without prayer’, I ask Jackie. ‘Oh no. That would be very bad’. says he, smiling gently. ‘You know Jesus and Mary’, I add. ‘Oh I do’, he replies with that humble knowing look. Unambiguous.💡

The rest of our precious time together, we spend in prayer. Prayer is Jackie’s first language. Resplendent with the Holiness of God, he speaks every gentle syllable with deep feeling. Jackie is not on his own when he prays, that is very apparent. Sacred silent witnesses are all around.

I caught a glimpse of Heaven in Jackie’s simple sacred cell this afternoon. 

‘The world cannot ruffle the dignity of a soul that dwells in its own tranquility’. (John o’Donohue)

‘When we feel the presence of God in our daily lives, we can only say: ‘“God is here”, and the first thing to do is to fall on our knees’. (Pope Frances)

Today, 10/12/2021, Jackie passed on to his eternal reward. Silently he slipped away, no fanfare, Jackie died as he lived. God rest your beautiful soul Jackie. I am so thrilled we had that beautiful afternoon together in September. You are forever in my heart and prayers, I know I am in yours.❤️🙏🏻

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