Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Sunshine walked beside her.☀️

‘Struggling souls catch light from other souls who are fully lit and willing to show it. If you would help to calm the tumult, this is one of the strongest things you can do’. (Clarissa Pinkola-Estes)

Already a young lady at the Bank machine and so I waited my turn. After a few minutesshe stepped away, offering me her place, telling me that she would finish her transaction when I had completed mine. Declining her kind offer, I suggested she take as long as she needed to take. She graciously accepted. 

Waiting in line is never a problem for me. Not having to do anything except stand and stare makes me very happy. When she was through, she turned to me and said simply, without fanfare: ‘I am really sorry for the long delay. I have Hutchinson disease you see and everything is more difficult for me now’.  

Radiating pure joy, her heavenly smile had me transfixed and in no way matched what her worrying words were portraying. ‘What is it like’, I asked. ‘Very similar to Parkinson’s disease’, she replied. ‘May I offer you a prayer that I love to say and share’, I asked, aware that a person was waiting for me to take my place at the Bank machine. ‘You may indeed’, she replied, still smiling sweetly, ‘I’m a Christian’. 

I was reminded of a line from the song ‘Tecumseh Valley’ by Townes Van Zantac: ‘It seemed to me that sunshine walked beside her’. Fleeting momentous light-filled meeting.

Thank you Father God for that sublime Divine encounter on this exceedingly happy day. The day I submit my final repayment on my Credit Union loan after what seems like forever. Exciting times ahead, my Widow’s pension can’t all be just for me.........

(Prophetic words indeed!! Asylum seekers in our town right now needing all the help they can get - October 2023)

‘Speak Lord, Your servant is listening’. (1Samuel 3:10)

                                                                        Nil balance. ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

‘The choice is yours to fall or rise, to injure or to bless. To fill a room with gloom or light it up with happiness. To use or waste the precious hours, to work or take your ease. To walk the path of duty or to go the way you please’. (Patience Strong)

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