Thursday, November 11, 2021

Darragh πŸ›³

I might never have met this genial young man had I not heeded Holy Spirit’s prompting to go have coffee with Ann after Holy Mass this morning. Normally I remain in Church for one Holy hour, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - radiation therapy of the highest order. This morning, after our coffee, I returned to Church, much later than my usual time and as I sat in that sacred sacrosanct space in prayer and silence, Darragh walked through the door.  

I offered him my prayer, he accepted joyfully, like most young folk do, and there ensued our wonderful sharing. Darragh Carroll set sail from the coast of Norway in November 2019, completing an epic solo journey that brought him around Scotland and home to Dublin, carrying a flame the entire way to the hill of uisneach in Ireland’s midlands. Darragh’s adventure is well worth reading about, his tale of survival mind blowing. Tommy Tiernan spoke with him on his television programme. Ryan Tubridy too, on his radio programme. 

Today, what do you know, little old Kerry grandmother, me, had the sublime privilege of his peaceable presence in the greatest studio of all. ⛪️ No need for camera and lights, the awesome Light of Christ beamed on us both, reminding me of John 8:12 - ‘Jesus spoke to them saying: “I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life”.

As we parted company, I asked Darragh if he would keep me in his prayers. ‘I will pray for you Bridget’. he replied, earnestly. My heart danced.πŸ’ƒ What a gift, pure prayer, like a shower of soft snow shielding me from all harm. Not much in this world brings me more happiness than the prayers of our beautiful young folk. 

God Bless and mind you Darragh as you continue on your way, I am so glad you dropped by. You are now in my heart and prayers forevermore. Thank you from my deepest heart for rendering my day even more pleasant than it already was. 

‘When a great moment knocks on the door of your life, it is often no louder than the beating of your heart, and it is very easy to miss it’. (Boris Pasternak)

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