Thursday, November 18, 2021

Invitation from Jesus.🌠

‘I was born for this, I came into the world for this: to bear witness to the Truth’. (John 6:38:39)

Outside Church today, as I was about to offer my prayer to three visiting ladies, beautiful words on the placard; ‘Invitation from Jesus’, caught my eye like never before, like I was seeing them for the first time. 

Lightbulb moment, Jesus inviting me to be His Hands and Feet in a newer deeper way, placing HIS noble desires for my life in my deepest heart, inviting me to enter into partnership with Him in the work of salvation. 

Visiting ladies not alone accepted gratefully, they were overjoyed and told me so.

That moment of luminosity started off a chain of events that blew me away. All afternoon, amazing prayer encounters occurring seamlessly like I had never before witnessed. Lady in queue just ahead of me, young boy in wheelchair. Elderly American lady who on reading the prayer beamed; ‘Perfect prayer’πŸ˜€. 

Young guy who happened to be moving away from home tomorrow for the first time, he was really chuffed. Guy who would never entertain prayer, stopping for a chat and now my prayer is in his car. 

My only task hand it out, God’s amazing Grace bringing all to fruition. 

Now I know for sure that gifting my prayer to others is my invitation from Jesus, discerning that changes everything. Yes, my nerves will act up at times, discomfort will make itself felt, I will probably fell stupid and ridiculous many times, but that is part and parcel of my superb bidding.

To consent to be a fool for Jesus, but who better to be a fool for, and maybe even in time embrace it.

I am a prayer sharer, it is official. My chat up line: ‘Would you like a Prayer that I love to say and share? I am not preaching, I am simply sharing what is in my heart?’. Sometimes when the person is not familiar at all with prayer, I offer: ‘Place it on your nightstand, say it first thing each morning and then get on with your day’. 

Folk do not feel hemmed in then, they relax, unaware that every time we pray, we are allowing Jesus to swoop into our hearts with His Gladsome Healing Light, bringing order into chaos, exchanging darkness for light. Nothing to lose, everything to gain.

‘Dear lay faithful, as witnesses to Christ, you are especially called to bring the Light of the Gospel to the vital nerve centres of society. You are called to be prophets of Christian hope and apostles of the One; “Who is, who was, and who is to come, the Almighty “. (Rev1:8/St. John Paul II)

‘Again Jesus spoke to them saying;  “I am  the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life”. (John 8:12)

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