Monday, November 15, 2021

November Sunday. 🍁

‘Give me Faith, Lord, and let me help others to find it’. (Leo Tolstoy)

Holy Spirit promptings insightful and precious never cease to amaze and delight, what Holy Spirit wants known will be revealed. Young couple, sitting in the pew right behind me at Holy Mass readily accepted my prayer. Later, outdoors, while the rain and leaves fell, we enjoyed a most wonderful joy-filled sharing. Definitely orchestrated from on High, all the hallmarks.
 ‘Jesus is the silent listener in every conversation’.  (St. Mother Teresa)

When I got home, eventually, two famished feline friends fed kindly and respectfully from the same bowl, savouring every morsel. Got me to thinking 🧐 Prayers, glad tidings and food, all shared freely, rendering this damp November Sunday morning marvellously meaningful.

Marina in happy mood when I visited with her in the afternoon. She loves Lesley, he brings her so much joy. Marina is not lonely any more. Impossible to articulate how happy that makes me.πŸ’ƒ

Joan on her way from SuperValu. A tad reclusive, I was ecstatic when she said: ‘We will have a meal in December’. I was not expecting that. To win the trust of anotherπŸ˜€ That’s big.

I visited John and we took a leisurely stroll. John is as tall as I am small. Wasting time in his calm presence balm to my soul, all is right with the world for a time. 

Almost home, young guy bearing a vacuum cleaner almost knocked me over, frightening the life out of me. My scream scared him too! Prime opportunity to offer my prayer which was warmly received with the words: ‘My girlfriend will be delighted’. 

Bloom where I’m planted. Everything comes from the Hands of our Creator, all of us are called to be warriors of Light. 

‘Our happiness consists in fulfilling the purpose of our being’. (Venerable Fulton Sheen)

                                                                   Sharing is caring.🐈
                                                           Love is a many splendored thing..... 

                  ‘What you do matters, but not much. Who you are before God matters tremendously’.                            (Catherine Doherty/Madonna House Foundress)


                                                     Joan, Sheila and I in Kells/ 12/3/2022
                               ‘The whole of my life has been God’s gift’. (St. Josephine Bakhta)

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