Saturday, November 20, 2021

Once upon a day.๐ŸŒน

‘Consider the lilies of the field whose bloom is brief: We are as they; Like them we fade away, as doth a leaf’. (Christina Rossetti)

Affable  bus driver greeted me cheerily; ‘Good morning. We are not charging today, the machine is broken’. His welcoming attitude every bit as elevating as my free trip to Kilarney, and I told him so. My gift to him - my prayer, which he joyfully accepted.

I strolled through Killarney before 10AM Holy Mass in the Friary. I could not help noticing a little girl with her Nan, super excited, pointing up at the Christmas street lights and decorations even though they are not yet lit up. She could not stand still as she danced with glee. Well aware in her guileless childlike spirit that something wonderful is about to take place, something out of this world. 

Made me ponder a Bible verse I love; ‘Jesus said; “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven”. ( Matthew 18:3).

Helen happily accepted my prayer enquiring if I was a Jehovah Witness. When I replied ‘No, I am Catholic’, she seemed pleased but tad surprised, strengthening my resolve to keep on keeping on. Always little nudges, little signs, urging me on, when I least expect them.

Pat sat alone in deep sadness. He has already endured a lot in his life, he told me and now his health is really suffering. He will say my prayer every morning, right now in dire need of spiritual consolation. After our chat he seemed a little more upbeat. 

There is an urgency in our world right now, presumably more than any other day and time, for all of us to reach out and share our gifts with one another, hopelessness hangs heavy in the air. One thing for sure and certain! We cannot in all honesty justify doing nothing. Mother Teresa said; ‘I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things’.

Elderly Priest’s homily at Holy Mass in Friary insightful and uplifting. Afterwards, as I offered a very pleasant lady my prayer, she told me about a soothing prayer she says every day and now she too will copy, laminate and distribute it, as I do with mine. As we parted she said; ‘I was meant to meet you today’. Great oaks from little acorns grow.

Bus trip to Cork city delectable, falling leaves, awesome autumnal colours, clear skies. Enjoying the solitude, reminding me of myriad bus trips we enjoyed, my boys and me on days like this, once upon a time. Joyful journeys tucked safely in my heart for posterity making it easy for me to enjoy my solo voyages now.  

I reached my destination, tired and content, my delightful grandchildren, Saoirse, Aoife and Cillian balm to my spirit. As I sit in my bed writing this, I hear them laughing with their parents. Saoirse knocks on my door; ‘You’re welcome to join us for movie night Nan’, she says. When I thank her for her warm invite, but that I will stay put, she beams broadly; ‘So glad you are here Nan’. Pure unadulterated honesty from her deepest beautiful heart. 

So much to be thankful to God for, what a Mighty God we serve. 

‘Christ is our Light. His presence comforts and assures us like a blazing fireplace welcomes and settles those who sit by it’. (Joyce Rupp)

‘I ask you to consider that our Lord Jesus Christ is your true head and that you are a member of His Body. He belongs to you as the head belongs to the body. All that is His is yours; breath, heart, body, soul and all His faculties. All of these you must use as if they belonged to you, so that in serving Him you may give Him praise, love and glory’. (St. John Eudes) 

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