Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Wait for The Lord.๐ŸŒน

Those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength’. (Isaiah 40:31)

My sister Agnes had asked if we could swop hair appointments. Could I take her 10.45AM and she would take my 2PM. Of course I agreed but I was sad to be missing Holy Mass, and most especially Holy Eucharist. However, I am well aware that Holy Eucharist is my Sacred and Blessed privilege, my sublime gift from God, most definitely not my entitlement. 

Oftentimes I shared with folk on the ‘Struggle Bus’ right now, Bible verse I love dearly; ‘Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage; yea, wait for the Lord’. (Psalm 27:14). Soothing verse, much needed in this our day and time. Good idea to stick it on the fridge or somewhere pivotal reminding ourselves that we are always under the watchful eye of our wonderful Father God, all of the time.

After my hair appointment I entered Church with my new improved tresses expecting Holy Mass to be over and beautiful Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament taking place. Instead, to my splendid surprise, Father, in Persona Christi, was distributing Holy Communion, Jesus waiting for me, right inside the door. I received our Lord Jesus Christ, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in Holy Eucharist, my heart dancing with joy and gratitude.

Everything worked out perfectly. Agnes got the appointment she needed, I received Holy Eucharist and my appointment too. Symphony of beauty, bond of charity, reminding me yet again that while I am oftentimes impatiently waiting for my Lord, He is right there by my side. 

Whenever I fall behind, He waits patiently for me to catch up, I am never alone.

‘It is only God who creates. Man merely rearranges’. (St. Thomas Aquinas)

‘Patience, Prayer and Silence - these are what give strength to the soul’. (St. Faustina/944)

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