Thursday, June 30, 2022

God is always faithful๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

‘First keep yourself in peace, and then you will be able to pacify others. A peaceable man does more good than a learned one’. (Thomas a Kempis)

Wish I could have recorded wonderful conversation with Desmond this morning. Gentle kindly man residing in our town for now while his homeland Ukraine suffers intolerably. Not in the least gloomy, Desmond’s words flowed from his big beautiful heart. I can but poorly paraphrase.

When I told him that my grandchildren were shocked to hear that I pray for Mr. Putin, that God will change his heart of stone into a heart of flesh, his reply: ‘Why not? God made him, he is our brother. We must pray all the time for his change of heart’.

I asked him how he could remain hopeful and upbeat in the face of such evil, his reply: ‘Evil never wins. God is good all the time. He is faithful. This war should never have come to pass. May God help all those who have assisted in any way to bring about such carnage. Many people are dying every day, many people are dying right now....’

With tear-filled eyes we both promised we would continue to pray for the aggressor as well as the innocent victims. The cruel aggressor’s heart must be heavy as lead inhabiting a murky world of intense interior darkness. All of us know what a significant burden is  ‘Regret’, there are things we would gladly change if only we could. The day will surely come when the dust settles and then for the first time warmongers will see clearly as the scales fall from their eyes. They will realise fully what they have done. On that day they will need much help.

‘Mr. Putin does not know what he is doing’ whispered Desmond sadly. Prophetic words! At that moment, in unison, we both spoke aloud Jesus beautiful words from His Holy Cross: ‘Father forgive them for they know not what they do’.(Luke 23:34).

Desmond gladly accepted my prayer as we parted company, both of us looking forward already to our next tete a tete soaked in wisdom and light. Tad late for Holy Mass, I knew in my deepest spirit I was exactly where I was meant to be. Encounter extraordinaire engineered by our forever faithful God, Glory be to Him now and forevermore. Amen

‘Beauty is the heart’s encounter with the Living God’. ( Bill Donaghy)

‘God has given each of us our own work to do. It is for us to pursue our road, that is to say, our vocation.....When God gives us such and such a vocation, He bestows upon us at the same time His Grace to fulfil it’. (St. John Vianney)

This morning (1/7/2022) Antoine and I chatted. When I told him that Ukraine is always in my heart and prayers and sometimes I cry for Ukraine too, Antoine replied gently: ‘Don’t cry. It is bad for you. Just pray’. ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

‘Do not lose your serenity on account of those who are being tried. Pray for them; offer the sufferings of my Passion and some acts of self-denial. I ask only for Love. So many anxieties and shadows in your heart! Think of me, of me - perfect beauty, splendour, peace, life, truth, holiness - of me, your God who loves you! Give me your heart - your whole heart. Do you not also wish to give me your life? I desire it, I have need of it’. (Jesus to Sr. Mary of the Holy Trinity)

Wednesday, June 29, 2022


Writing my diary makes tiniest events in my day stand out. Each miraculous moment honoured, nothing goes unnoticed. As a result, my heart is filled to overflowing with gigantic gratitude to God at all times.

Even flat refusals don’t sting like they did before. Two guys on my way to Holy Mass this morning rendered grumpy ‘I’m alright’, almost in unison, when I offered them my prayer. Workmen with lots on their minds I could tell. (One guy hesitated for a split-second....)

Refusals out of the way early, myriad wonderful life-enhancing prayer-sharing encounters ensued. Mary whose daughter is troubled right now. Mary who has just undergone brain-surgery. Marie who just might pray my prayer every morning even though she has ‘given up all that stuff’ but ‘everything happens for a reason’. Three American ladies super happy to accept. As were pleasant couple who dropped into Church on their way through our town to some place else - that a really uplifting sharing.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and my dear friend John got up from his seat and came to sit next to me for no reason at all. We sat together in silence adoring beautiful Jesus. When John does that, then I know for sure in my deepest spirit that I am being comforted by beautiful Jesus. 

Today too an old friend decided to receive Sacrament of Confession after many years. Somehow the topic arose as we strolled in the midday sun. Definitely workings of the Holy Spirit, no other possible explanation. Baffling and downright amazing the way it all came to pass, over the moon for my dear friend.

My friend Dudu from South Africa received word yesterday that she has permission to remain in Ireland having been a refugee in our country for the past two years. We both cried and thanked Almighty God for His immense kindness. Very soon Dudu will return to South Africa for her young child and they will both reside in Ireland, safe and secure. O happy day☀️

Sublime privilege was mine to take Holy Eucharist to my dear lady Sheila in the afternoon. Praying Holy Rosary together better than ‘all the tea in China’ as my dear Mom used to say. I love how our esteemed elders pray Holy Rosary without missing a syllable, proving without a shadow of a doubt that when all else fails Prayer steadfastly endures. I saw it happen with every single person I have had the magnificent privilege of accompanying and I will never tire of bearing witness to that wonderful truth.

                            ‘Beauty is the heart’s encounter with the Living God’. (Bill Donaghy)

              Today is the feast day of St. Peter and St. Paul, foremost Apostles of Jesus Christ. 

                                             I love my ‘blast from the past’ gift from dear Phil.

                                                                                 ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

Beautiful words of wisdom in my heart and on my lips when I awoke this morning: ‘Enjoy ourselves like we are getting paid. The fructive path’. Yes indeed, living the Simple Abundant life is really that easy - Enjoy what we are asked to do by God - like we are getting paid!.☀️๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป (Because we ARE๐ŸŽถ☀️๐ŸŽ†

Monday, June 27, 2022

Go tell EVERYONE ๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

‘Did the apostles retreat to their homes so that they could give themselves up to contemplation?’. (Jesus to Gabrielle Bossis/He and I). Words resonating in my deepest heart this morning colouring my day in a most beautiful way.

I got word yesterday that my friend Joan tripped and fell on the hard cold ground as she walked up the steps to Holy Mass. Ambulance escorted her to Tralee General Hospital. How surprised and thrilled I was to see her at Holy Mass this morning. Black and blue, loose front tooth, but not bad overall. 

Afterwards lunch in Petit Delice Cafe. I had planned to attend my much loved Legion of Mary meeting but God’s ways are not our ways - they are far superior in every way. Turns out dear Joan had not eaten anything since before her fall yesterday, twenty four hours ago, too shocked to realise how hungry she was! 

Joan’s sunny soul shines brightly through her twinkling eyes, I love spending time with her. Mostly left to her own devices, folk see only her ‘strange attire’, eccentricity, not sticking around long enough to get to know the ‘Real Joan’. 

As Mother Teresa would oftentimes lament: ‘When we judge others we have no time to love them’. 

Pleasant young dad with his two young children seated at the next table chatted with us, wonderful faith/prayer sharing encounter ensued. Joan cheered up immensely, all of us were.

That was only the beginning! Many amazing prayer-sharing encounters all day. Kate, Annette, Ukrainian ladies and beautiful little boy who told me that he will pray my prayer; ‘In Ukrainian for Ukraine and in English for Ireland’. 

Probably most outstanding of all my delightful encounters today was with the young man walking towards me, his ghetto blaster screaming out the loudest angriest music I ever did hear. I asked if he would like a prayer not in the least prepared for his response. Switching blaring music off, he replied ‘Yes please’. When I told him that I’m just a grandmother who dearly wishes that our beautiful young people would know that they do not have to figure it all out for themselves, he smiled: ‘Thank you’. 

I can find no words to convey what I perceived on that young man’s handsome face. I never take my leave without the words ‘God Bless you’ and the grateful young man replied ‘God Bless you too’. Profound moment of grace.

In the shop on way home Pat approached me looking sickly and sad. Unwell, he is unable to eat he told me solemnly. He accepted my prayer promising to pray it every morning. Poor Pat. (Who was it that declared: ‘I would not trade my appetite for a king’s ransom).

Thank you Father God for my life’s mission. Thank you Jesus for your thought-provoking words I read this morning, thank you for walking every step of my life-journey with me. Thank you Holy Spirit, I felt your power go out of me as I asked the young man with the ghetto blaster if he would like a prayer. I could not have done it on my own. Now I have more courage in my heart.

‘We are called to witness to the Good News, and that witnessing is not so much in speech as through being ourselves’. (Catherine Doherty/Madonna House Founder)

Lord take me where You want me to go. Let me meet who you want me to meet. Tell me what you want me to say- and keep me out of Your way. Amen

Tonight I open the Diary of St. Faustina and right there before my eyes the beautiful words of Jesus: ‘Go out into the whole world and teach in My Name’. (1710)

(In my sleep last night: ‘Come to beautiful Holy Mass. He will look at you all the time’. (Mother Mary)

                                                                        Dear Joan.๐Ÿ˜Œ

                                         Dear Joan today 7/6/2023. Contented and cared for.☀️๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Let it go๐ŸŽถ☀️๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

‘Unload all your worries on to Him, since He is looking after you’. (1Peter 5:7)

‘Have you lost weight’, enquired Micheal. Phil asked the same question some days later in a more roundabout way: ‘’Are you eating well?’. Both coming from a truly kind hearted place but neither  remotely aware how much their seemingly innocuous query sent me on a downward spiral of apprehension and downright distress.

It all began forty one years ago when Eric and I were going out for a meal and Jennifer offered to babysit our newborn Eric. All dolled up ready to go, Jennifer looked me squarely in the eye and told me laughingly that I looked like: ‘An advertisement for Gorta’. (I had lost a lot of weight). What an insult to everyone and everything Gorta stands for!! My own tiny shred of confidence disappeared without trace too. I could have returned the ‘compliment’  but of course I did not: ‘No one heals themselves by wounding another’. (St. Ambrose)

Her disparaging insult lodged firmly in my deepest heart, raising it’s ugly head many times up and down the long years. Whenever someone would say ‘You look great. Did you lose weight’, I cringed, picking it up as a put-down and definitely not the kindly compliment it was meant to be.

This morning, first time ever by the grace of God, I placed the whole kit and caboodle into Mother Mary’s gentle hands as She stands at the foot of Her beautiful Son Jesus Holy Cross. I spilled it all out to Her. I watched as She graciously handed my deep ‘heart wound’ to Her beautiful Son Jesus. I saw Him accept it joyfully. I saw myself walk away free as a bird bursting with gratitude and peace.

Thank you Thank you Jesus. Thank you Mother Mary. Another little piece of my broken heart is restored. To do your will is my deepest desire.

Our backs are broken from hauling purposeless baggage after us every minute of our short lives, suitcases of rocks. Jesus is longing to set us free. He whispers into our deepest heart in the midst of the mayhem: ‘You can be free if you want to be. Give Me your burden and let us walk this wonderful life-adventure together. I have so much to reveal to you’.

Placing hurtful memories at the foot of Holy Cross with Mother Mary as She presents them to Her Son Jesus, blows them completely out of the water. I can say without question or doubt that never do they return and if they attempt to, they are gone again in a flash. As harrowing memories surface I despatch them at once to that sacred sacrosanct spot, allowing healing and wholeness seep into my life one drop at a time.

Wish someone had imparted this wonderful wisdom to me earlier but perhaps had I not learned the hard way I might not be so willing and impatient to pass it along now to anyone and everyone with ears to hear. 

‘Remember no child was ever as attentive and as ready to please his parent as I am ready to listen to and please you. Let Me help you. I’ll protect your every step’. (Jesus/The book of Margery Kempe)

‘Behold God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid. For the Lord God is my strength and my courage. God has become my salvation’. ( Isaiah 12:2)

Friday, June 17, 2022

Sharing our brokenness, sharing our Hope☀️

‘Know that you are baptised for this: to bring peace, harmony, love, faith,and hope to people, to those the Lord will allow you meet throughout your life’. (Catherine Doherty)

As I prayed live-streamed 3PM Holy Rosary today lady came into Church and joined in. Afterwards I offered her my prayer and beautiful encounter ensued as she generously shared her narrative with me.

Her dear father went home to be with God short time ago, her dear Mom is not doing so good right now. Her beloved brother passed on without warning two years ago, they are still reeling from the shock of that as they wade through the mucky waters of gaping grief. She herself suffered horrendously twenty seven years ago when her baby and toddler were both killed in a car crash. Her older child paraplegic as a result.

I sat silently bewildered by her beaming smile, her gentle demeanour. ‘What carried you through’, I asked. ‘We were always a strong family of faith’, she replied. 

Scarcely credible tale of not merely ‘survival’ but ‘living well’ and ‘suffering well’ in the midst of unimaginable tragedy and grief. 

Prayer most certainly transforms us! We are children of the Light and we rise and shine and give God His Glory! Jesus Christ is risen and He is in our midst. Alleluia ☀️

 I take my leave of gentle lady with an even more grateful heart, another pebble placed in the colourful mosaic of my life. Holy Rosary visitor confirmed first hand what Saint Mother Teresa’s mother brokenheartedly told her daughter as they parted company, knowing full well they would never again be together here on earth: ‘Put your hand in His, in Jesus Hand and walk all the way with Him’.

‘Just hang on to Him’, I heard an elderly religious sister say one time.๐Ÿฅณ☀️

My visitor accepted four prayers and henceforward her dear Mom will pray Holy Rosary online with us from the comfort of her own home many miles away from here.

‘Beauty is the heart’s encounter with the Living God’. (Bill Donaghy)

‘Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, Bless His Holy Name’. (Psalm 103:1).                    (repeat many times when in pain and despair) 

‘My whole strength lies in Prayer. Prayer enkindles the fires of love in the heart. Prayer brings joy to the soul. Prayer moves hearts far better than words ever can. I know it by experience’.                                (The Little Flower)

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Turn the other cheek.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป☀️

‘When faced with things unkind - never waste your strength against a hard and stubborn mind. You will only hurt yourself a worthless point to win. Better far to cultivate the grace of giving in.
(Patience Strong)
I was not expecting any pleasantness from lady when I requested that she move her car to allow my sister and husband drive by but her downright disdain sure did shock me, my family too. Lady flatly refused for no reason at all! No choice left to them but reverse, not an easy task for John who suffers horrendously with backache. Crazy town!

My family and I chatted a while, uttered a prayer to dispel the darkness and then parted company. I hurried to get my bloods taken in Docter’s surgery (routine checkup). In the waiting room wonderful conversation took place between the elderly gentleman, woman and me. 

Woman, noticing my cross and chain asked if I believed in ‘prayer’, she herself  ‘wasn’t so sure’. After some time and much gentle open sharing I offered them both my prayer. Gentleman asked if I would read it aloud to him as he did not have his glasses with him, afterwards placing it in his pocket. Lady too accepted my prayer  joyfully. 

Holy Mass next and young man came and sat near me. Yes, you guessed it! he accepted my prayer too, laughingly halfheartedly. ‘Keep it for now’, I suggested ‘and who knows, some fine day you might even pray it’. He placed it in his pocket too.

Thing is! Had I permitted unpleasantness which had occurred earlier, settle in my bones, had I ferried rude lady along in my heart as I went about my day, all joy would be dried up and I would have been too addled to notice or care about the beautiful people I had the privilege of encountering. 

My afternoon with dear Sheila who bravely endures Alzheimers would have been ruined too while instead, our time together joyful, prayerful and fun filled.

‘When you are really agitated and angry, don’t do what you are thinking of doing because you are being counselled by demons’. (St. Ignatius of Loyola)

I know of course that without gentle strength of Jesus Christ as He walks beside me every inch of my life journey I would fail abysmally every time, of that I am quite certain. Gazing on the always merciful Holy Face of Jesus, resting in my deepest heart, before making one false move, asking: ‘What would you do Jesus?’, grants me pause, shifts my gaze and changes everything. ‘I know my Redeemer lives’. (Job 19:25)

Wiping the dust off my feet I then walk on unhindered in the Gladsome Light of Jesus Christ.

‘Let us show that we are Christians! Let us live the Gospel so that others can touch it. We are weak, sinful and unimportant. We must try to live the Gospel with our lives’. (Servant of God Catherine Doherty)

‘Hurry up now girl. I can’t keep smiling all day’, says my dear Sheila.๐Ÿ˜‚

I am reminded right now of a lady I met one time on retreat. I noticed written on her charming shoes plainly for all to see; ‘Peace in the world’. She told me that she dwelled beside an extremely unreasonable neighbour and things had gotten so bad that she had no choice but consult her solicitor re what her options might be. The lady worked in a Charity Shop and very soon after that, one day someone dropped in a pair of shoes to be resold. The lady looked at what was written on the shoes (Peace in the world), purchased them for herself and there and then rang her solicitor calling off all plans of retribution. Her neighbour did not change but the lady’s heart softened. Wonderful Holy Spirit intervened.๐Ÿ•Š

‘Oh Jesus, You who suffer, grant that today and every day I may be able to see you in the person of your sick ones, and that by offering them my care, I may serve you. Grant that, even if you are hidden under the unattractive disguise of anger, of crime, or of mental illness, I may recognise you and say; ‘Jesus, you who suffer, how sweet it is to serve you....Lord increase my faith. Bless my efforts and my work, now and forever. Amen’. (St. Mother Teresa)

‘Charity is the form, mover, mother and root of all the virtues’. (St. Thomas Aquinas)

Monday, June 13, 2022

Free travel.๐ŸšŒ

Public Services/Free travel Card touched down on the mat this morning. Wonderful gift from God! Apart from benefits attached, grander still sublime privilege of being alive and well enough to avail of so generous a gift. I found perfect quote for this auspicious occasion:

‘Do we remember how to be joyous? Or have we lost joy, along with so much else. Perhaps, it is because we have lost simplicity. We have allowed our needs and fears to conquer us. Let Holy simplicity guide our steps, our lives, our prayers’. (Servant of God Catherine Doherty - founder of Madonna House)

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Big Birthday.๐Ÿฅณ๐ŸŽ

Nazareth Academy High School choir from Philadelphia sang at 11AM Holy Mass in our Church this morning. What a gift to my heart on the day I turn sixty six years of age. Now I am officially an OAP. When my bus-pass arrives, please God, I will have free travel to any location in the republic of Ireland.๐ŸšŒ๐ŸŽถ 

I offered my prayer to gifted young ladies from Philadelphia with angelic voices, all accepted joyfully. Holy Spirit prompt. Trinitarian principle - share and share alike - on this special Feast of the Blessed Trinity and always. 

Our lives should reflect the Trinity. We should be always creative like the Father, compassionate like His Son, and dispose our talents in the service of others like the Holy Spirit.

Chatting with my precious family in the afternoon. We may be apart physically on my ‘big birthday’ but not where it matters most. We are in each other’s hearts all of the time. Agape love. Their kindness and compassion know no bounds.

God first and foremost, my boys and families next, followed by all others. Killian would oftentimes say when he was little: ‘When we love God, we love each other’. Yes, that is how the story goes.❤️ When we love God above all things then it is God who loves our family and friends through us. We love them with God’s Love which is much stronger than our own love. 

God gives us the Love to love them more.

‘Thou dost keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee, because He trusts in Thee. (Isaiah 26:3)

                    Tanye gifted me sublime painting of Mariinski Palace in her beloved Kiev.๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ
                   ‘Beauty is the heart’s encounter with the Living God’. (Bill Donaghy)
                                                     Mischa’s gift - fragrant flowers.๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ
                                                        Food and fun๐Ÿ˜€ Mary, Anne and me๐ŸŽ
                                 Diarmuid got me this super cushion for my cozy prayer corner.๐Ÿ“ฟ❤️
      First swim of 2022 in the freezing Atlantic. ๐Ÿฅถ 
                                               Tony ๐Ÿˆ‍⬛ drops by at the end of a glorious day.๐Ÿ˜„

Wonderful day filled with love and light. I love every birthday. Thank you Father God for this magnificent life. Don’t just live - live with passion.๐Ÿฅณ

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Delightful day.☀️

‘Let us recognise our infirmity but confess the power of God. The Christian life has to be shot through with optimism, joy and the strong conviction that our Lord wishes to make use of us’. 
(St. Jose Maria Escriva)

‘Your birthday gift will arrive tomorrow. Not for you to keep, it must be passed on to somebody else’, Killian’s surprising delightful words spoken to me yesterday. Neat package touched down this morning and to my outstanding delightful surprise, inside, most glorious leather bound Bible. 

Killian had no idea I had been searching for a Bible, wedding present for my niece Deanne and her new husband Nicolas. In the past on numerous occasions Holy Spirit has touched my life deeply through Killian’s words and actions, but this simply blew my mind. Utterly beautifully scarcely credible.

In the Post Office posting my stunning Bible to France this morning, some wonderful interactions took place, many prayers joyfully received and treasured. Had I been home enjoying much desired lie-in, as would normally be my story on a Saturday morning, myriad miraculous occurrences would not have taken place in my life and the lives of others. Unbeknownst to myself I would be poorer by far this night.

I visited St. Anne’s in the afternoon. Dear Rosie, deep in Alzheimers, ever so faintly sang along with me every time I sang a verse of ‘Hail Queen of Heaven’. Real beauty is definitely an encounter with the Living God. Marvelling as she sat silently and content in her comfortable chair, I whispered: ‘Rosie you have no problems now’. Suddenly, in a moment of special clarity she opened her kindly eyes and with laser beam precision replied: ‘No Thank God’. 

Newsflash!! Heaps to look forward to, God willing, when I reach the ripe old age of ninety. I will have ‘No problems’. How come no one ever mentions that fact when ‘ageing’ is discussed, disdained and downright denigrated!

I assisted Father Larry as he christened baby Erin. Sacred sacrosanct space. I was invited to sing two hymns - one at the start and another at the end. My heart is dancing even now, many hours later.

Sheila and I walked lightly upon the whitest sands of Ballinskelligs beach and dropped into cozy cafe for tea. Our time together easy and precious, oftentimes no words needed or desired.

After I returned home from Vancouver two weeks ago I felt in my deepest spirit something meaningful had changed in my prayer sharing. Difficult to articulate, God always so much bigger than our attempts to describe or understand Him. Something shifted, my grasp loosened. 

In a deeper way I know for certain that Holy Spirit guidance is evident in my dealings with others like never before, intentionality. Invisible plan in place, strength that was not present prior to my gallivanting in foreign parts ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ 

Only time will tell plainly that which I cannot put into words right now๐Ÿ˜ƒ

‘He must increase, I must decrease’. (John 3:30)

                                                                   My beautiful Rosie.๐Ÿ’ž

                                                           My lovely grandnephew Tadhg.๐ŸŽ†
     My niece Mary Agnes sent me this photo this morning at 6AM. She loves my morning prayer.๐ŸŽ†
                                                    Ballinskelligs beach, food for the soul.๐ŸŽ†

Saturday, June 4, 2022


‘When it feels as though life is overwhelming me, body and soul, I try to remember that God wants alone time with me, and He loves to hear me tell Him that I want alone time with Him’. 
(Sophie Lippiatt)

Some days after returning back home jet lag hit me like a lead balloon. No choice but one whole day away from the outside world, all sacred duties/privileges. (Munus - Latin for  ‘A gift of service rendered freely’) suspended.

Next day, still tired, definitely not back to my former self, I returned to Beautiful Holy Mass. Afterwards as I walked through Church grounds little boy full of the joys of spring came bounding in my direction, his little smiling face shining like a thousand suns. ‘You are so handsome’, I told him and in one fell swoop, without hesitation, he ran up to me wrapping his little joy filled arms around me in a most glorious hug. Profound moment of grace. In a flash he dashed lightly along his merry way. Unforgettable.☀️

‘You got a big hug’, his friendly smiling Mom uttered nonchalantly as if to say - What is natural can not be remarkable. Arresting beauty granting me pause in my time of weakness and fragility.

 ‘Beauty is the heart’s encounter with the Living God’. (Bill Donaghy)

Generous kindly Jesus loving me back to wholeness through that sunny light-filled little boy. Grace-packed tender moment of transcendence, beauty and peace that remains in my deepest spirit clear as crystal.

 Process of restoration begun, another diamond from God’s always ‘wide open’  Holy Hands.

My dear friend who has sampled serious suffering told me: ‘Every time I forget to wear my scapular at night, my dreams are horrendous but when I wear it, my dreams are calm and clear’. 

In 1251, St. Simon Stock received a visit from Our Lady in answer to his prayer for Heavenly intercession. She handed him a brown scapular saying: ‘He who dies clothed with this habit shall be preserved from eternal fire. It is a badge of salvation, a shield in time of danger, and a pledge of special peace and protection’.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022


‘There has never been, nor will there ever be, any figure so sweet, so great, so saintly, so human, so divine as the figure of Jesus. He is the fountain of civilisation and above all the perennial spring of grace for our souls’. (Servant of God Luis Maria Martinez)

“I worry some of you still have not really met Jesus - one to one - you and Jesus alone. We may spend time in the chapel - but have you seen with the eyes of your soul how He looks at you with love?

Do you really know the living Jesus - not from books but from being with Him in your heart?

Have you heard the loving words He speaks to you?

Ask for the grace; He is longing to give it. Until you can hear Jesus in the silence of your own heart, you will not be able to hear Him saying; ‘I thirst’ in the hearts of the poor. 

Never give up this daily intimate contact with Jesus as the real living person - not just the idea”.                   (Saint Mother Teresa)

‘Put you hand in His, in His hand, and walk all the way with Him’. (Saint Mother Teresa’s Mother’s words to her daughter as she went to work with the poorest of the poor in India. Mother and daughter brokenheartedly both knew they would never see each other again in this world. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป☀️

Everything we say and do is through Jesus, with Jesus and in Jesus. Amen

                                             Letter from Johnny Cash RIP to a fan.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŒธ