Saturday, June 11, 2022

Delightful day.☀️

‘Let us recognise our infirmity but confess the power of God. The Christian life has to be shot through with optimism, joy and the strong conviction that our Lord wishes to make use of us’. 
(St. Jose Maria Escriva)

‘Your birthday gift will arrive tomorrow. Not for you to keep, it must be passed on to somebody else’, Killian’s surprising delightful words spoken to me yesterday. Neat package touched down this morning and to my outstanding delightful surprise, inside, most glorious leather bound Bible. 

Killian had no idea I had been searching for a Bible, wedding present for my niece Deanne and her new husband Nicolas. In the past on numerous occasions Holy Spirit has touched my life deeply through Killian’s words and actions, but this simply blew my mind. Utterly beautifully scarcely credible.

In the Post Office posting my stunning Bible to France this morning, some wonderful interactions took place, many prayers joyfully received and treasured. Had I been home enjoying much desired lie-in, as would normally be my story on a Saturday morning, myriad miraculous occurrences would not have taken place in my life and the lives of others. Unbeknownst to myself I would be poorer by far this night.

I visited St. Anne’s in the afternoon. Dear Rosie, deep in Alzheimers, ever so faintly sang along with me every time I sang a verse of ‘Hail Queen of Heaven’. Real beauty is definitely an encounter with the Living God. Marvelling as she sat silently and content in her comfortable chair, I whispered: ‘Rosie you have no problems now’. Suddenly, in a moment of special clarity she opened her kindly eyes and with laser beam precision replied: ‘No Thank God’. 

Newsflash!! Heaps to look forward to, God willing, when I reach the ripe old age of ninety. I will have ‘No problems’. How come no one ever mentions that fact when ‘ageing’ is discussed, disdained and downright denigrated!

I assisted Father Larry as he christened baby Erin. Sacred sacrosanct space. I was invited to sing two hymns - one at the start and another at the end. My heart is dancing even now, many hours later.

Sheila and I walked lightly upon the whitest sands of Ballinskelligs beach and dropped into cozy cafe for tea. Our time together easy and precious, oftentimes no words needed or desired.

After I returned home from Vancouver two weeks ago I felt in my deepest spirit something meaningful had changed in my prayer sharing. Difficult to articulate, God always so much bigger than our attempts to describe or understand Him. Something shifted, my grasp loosened. 

In a deeper way I know for certain that Holy Spirit guidance is evident in my dealings with others like never before, intentionality. Invisible plan in place, strength that was not present prior to my gallivanting in foreign parts ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ 

Only time will tell plainly that which I cannot put into words right now๐Ÿ˜ƒ

‘He must increase, I must decrease’. (John 3:30)

                                                                   My beautiful Rosie.๐Ÿ’ž

                                                           My lovely grandnephew Tadhg.๐ŸŽ†
     My niece Mary Agnes sent me this photo this morning at 6AM. She loves my morning prayer.๐ŸŽ†
                                                    Ballinskelligs beach, food for the soul.๐ŸŽ†

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