Friday, June 17, 2022

Sharing our brokenness, sharing our Hope☀️

‘Know that you are baptised for this: to bring peace, harmony, love, faith,and hope to people, to those the Lord will allow you meet throughout your life’. (Catherine Doherty)

As I prayed live-streamed 3PM Holy Rosary today lady came into Church and joined in. Afterwards I offered her my prayer and beautiful encounter ensued as she generously shared her narrative with me.

Her dear father went home to be with God short time ago, her dear Mom is not doing so good right now. Her beloved brother passed on without warning two years ago, they are still reeling from the shock of that as they wade through the mucky waters of gaping grief. She herself suffered horrendously twenty seven years ago when her baby and toddler were both killed in a car crash. Her older child paraplegic as a result.

I sat silently bewildered by her beaming smile, her gentle demeanour. ‘What carried you through’, I asked. ‘We were always a strong family of faith’, she replied. 

Scarcely credible tale of not merely ‘survival’ but ‘living well’ and ‘suffering well’ in the midst of unimaginable tragedy and grief. 

Prayer most certainly transforms us! We are children of the Light and we rise and shine and give God His Glory! Jesus Christ is risen and He is in our midst. Alleluia ☀️

 I take my leave of gentle lady with an even more grateful heart, another pebble placed in the colourful mosaic of my life. Holy Rosary visitor confirmed first hand what Saint Mother Teresa’s mother brokenheartedly told her daughter as they parted company, knowing full well they would never again be together here on earth: ‘Put your hand in His, in Jesus Hand and walk all the way with Him’.

‘Just hang on to Him’, I heard an elderly religious sister say one time.๐Ÿฅณ☀️

My visitor accepted four prayers and henceforward her dear Mom will pray Holy Rosary online with us from the comfort of her own home many miles away from here.

‘Beauty is the heart’s encounter with the Living God’. (Bill Donaghy)

‘Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, Bless His Holy Name’. (Psalm 103:1).                    (repeat many times when in pain and despair) 

‘My whole strength lies in Prayer. Prayer enkindles the fires of love in the heart. Prayer brings joy to the soul. Prayer moves hearts far better than words ever can. I know it by experience’.                                (The Little Flower)

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