Saturday, June 4, 2022


‘When it feels as though life is overwhelming me, body and soul, I try to remember that God wants alone time with me, and He loves to hear me tell Him that I want alone time with Him’. 
(Sophie Lippiatt)

Some days after returning back home jet lag hit me like a lead balloon. No choice but one whole day away from the outside world, all sacred duties/privileges. (Munus - Latin for  ‘A gift of service rendered freely’) suspended.

Next day, still tired, definitely not back to my former self, I returned to Beautiful Holy Mass. Afterwards as I walked through Church grounds little boy full of the joys of spring came bounding in my direction, his little smiling face shining like a thousand suns. ‘You are so handsome’, I told him and in one fell swoop, without hesitation, he ran up to me wrapping his little joy filled arms around me in a most glorious hug. Profound moment of grace. In a flash he dashed lightly along his merry way. Unforgettable.☀️

‘You got a big hug’, his friendly smiling Mom uttered nonchalantly as if to say - What is natural can not be remarkable. Arresting beauty granting me pause in my time of weakness and fragility.

 ‘Beauty is the heart’s encounter with the Living God’. (Bill Donaghy)

Generous kindly Jesus loving me back to wholeness through that sunny light-filled little boy. Grace-packed tender moment of transcendence, beauty and peace that remains in my deepest spirit clear as crystal.

 Process of restoration begun, another diamond from God’s always ‘wide open’  Holy Hands.

My dear friend who has sampled serious suffering told me: ‘Every time I forget to wear my scapular at night, my dreams are horrendous but when I wear it, my dreams are calm and clear’. 

In 1251, St. Simon Stock received a visit from Our Lady in answer to his prayer for Heavenly intercession. She handed him a brown scapular saying: ‘He who dies clothed with this habit shall be preserved from eternal fire. It is a badge of salvation, a shield in time of danger, and a pledge of special peace and protection’.

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