Sunday, July 24, 2022

Apart from Jesus we can do NOTHING ☀️

‘Once we have entered into Christ’s command to love as He loved us, we have the power and grace, the charisms, to change enemies into friends and beloved neighbours’. (Catherine Doherty)

‘My mother died today’, she uttered, tears of extreme anguish flowing from her sorrowful eyes. I offered her my deep sympathy. I shared words of comfort from my deepest heart. She accepted my prayer leaving my door a little lighter, tad brighter.

Thing is she would not normally look on me as a friend. Quite the opposite in actual fact. Her lack of kindness hurt and horrified my family and I many times in our lives. But in her hour of trouble she came to me. Jesus comforted her through me, I merely the instrument. What a precious privilege was mine in her hour of darkness. Yes it is true: ‘If God could use a simple donkey then He can certainly use me’.๐Ÿ˜„

Jesus is Love. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus is EVERYTHING!. Walking with Him, being His Hands and Feet scatters love wherever we roam. As Jesus Love seeps into every corner of our heart then there is no longer space leftover for anything else but Love. What a revelation๐ŸŽ†

Miraculous event at my door. Our God is a God of surprises!!

‘Blood May flow in the streets of Montgomery before we gain our freedom but it must be our blood that flows, and not that of the white man. We must not harm a single hair on the head of our white brothers’.      (Martin Luther King Jnr.)

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