Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Freely we give.๐ŸŽ

She walked down the aisle having sat awhile adoring Jesus in Most Holy Sacrament, I thought I might offer her a prayer. Then I quickly dismissed the idea but simultaneously, mechanical almost, I arose from my seat following her to the door. She looked at me, tears streaming down her beautiful face. ‘May I pray with you or something’, I stammered. ‘Ukraine’, was all she said.

I cried too. Possessing no word of English, she held out her phone signalling for me to speak. My words would be automatically translated into her Ukrainian dialect. I relayed Antoine’s wisdom spoken to me a few days ago: ‘Please don’t cry. It is bad for you. Just pray’....adding  ‘Jesus told Sr. Mary of the Holy Trinity - ‘Don’t lose your serenity on account of those who are being tried. Pray for them’. She read every word.

Drying her diamond tears, fragile smile emerging, she accepted my prayer. We hugged warmly and then she walked away. I returned to my seat in Church profoundly moved, wordless. I had no idea she was distraught when I got up from my seat to offer her my prayer - but gentle Jesus did!

As Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament came to a close a lady approached me. ‘You should be wearing a veil and habit and be in the Poor Clares’, she said. ‘I see you in prayer. You have a gift. Not everyone has it you know’. Taken somewhat aback, I thanked her adding that perhaps I am where God wishes me to be right now.

Our gifts are to be used in the service of others, time for action is NOW, dilly-dallying over. These are terrible times in which we live. 

Missionary Disciples - Jesus has no body now on earth but ours. If not us - then WHO!!!

‘The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?’. (Psalm 27: 1-2)

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