Saturday, July 23, 2022

Veni Creator Spiritus.๐Ÿ•Š

       Come Holy Spirit fill our minds with Your truth. Fill our hearts with Your love. Amen

Dashing out the door this morning I was prompted to turn back and check that I had switched the cooker off. Turns out I had not! Typical wonderful Holy Spirit prompting.

I offered my prayer to a lady assuming she was Ukrainian. ‘I am Russian’, she spoke sternly. ‘Ohh๐Ÿ˜€ my prayer is for Russian, Ukrainian, English, Irish, EVERYONE’, flowed from my deepest heart. In an instant the lady’s whole demeanour changed, smiling softly she replied: ‘Thank you. I will read it. I teach English to Ukrainian people. It is disgusting what is happening right now’. Once again Holy Spirit to our rescue, beauty from ashes. Moment of transcendence and peace.

                               ‘The Grace of the Holy Spirit knows no delay’. (St. Ambrose)

On way home from Church some hours later, relaxing on a bench gazing on the tranquil river,  young guy came and sat next  to me. ‘You gave me a prayer one time’, he said. ‘I have a lovely prayer I can share with you right now if you wish’, I replied. There ensued wonderful sharing. 

In school he had no choice but learn about God and when schooldays ended so too did his interest in God. ‘I will say this prayer though’, he added placing it in his pocket. As we parted company I could not help noticing the words inscribed on his colourful t-shirt; ‘Ain’t nobody praying for me’. Wow! Definitely another Holy Spirit encounter.

Seamus told me that my live-streamed 3PM Holy Rosary in Church greatly disturbs his afternoon aperitif in his garden. He lives right next door to Church. Hearing me pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory got him pondering sombrely if such a place might actually exist. I told him I was happy to rattle his cage and one day he will be glad too. Seamus accepted my prayer - ‘Just in case ๐Ÿ˜‰’

Adam, my ever faithful window cleaner told me he may be able to clean my windows on Monday. ‘Place me at the bottom of your list and if you happen to have a window....’, I told him to which he added: ‘I have lots of windows’ ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚. Perfect pun!! 

‘The human heart must be grasped by God’s Love because nothing of human making can ever satisfy it’. (St. Bonaventure)

‘If you really do good work and grow creatively, other people will be attracted to you as surely as migrating birds are drawn at night to a powerful beacon’. (Ernest Hemingway) 

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