Thursday, July 14, 2022

Open our eyes Lord.☀️๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

9.30 Holy Mass this morning, my last for now in this beautiful oasis of peace. I loved hearing Canon Sean speak the words every morning: ‘Now we have come to the Consecration of the Mass when the bread and wine are changed into the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ when the Priest repeats the words of consecration over the bread and wine. So, let us remember that our dear Lord at this very hour, the Consecration of the Mass, the Good Lord Himself is here amongst us’. Many moons ago our primary school teacher imparted that beautiful wisdom to us children and I have never forgotten it.

Just as Holy Mass ended and Holy Rosary was about to begin, someone from the small number of folk who stayed on, got up and shut the Church door. ‘Traffic too noisy’. (And then we scratch our heads and wonder why our young people stay away!)

I am reminded of one time in Veritas book shop. Distraught lady having just received worrying prognosis in hospital, sought words of comfort from a Priest. ‘I will pray for you’, he told her solemnly leaning forward for yet another book from the shelf. (How can we receive more wisdom from Holy Spirit when we do not make good use of the wisdom already in our hearts).

We own NOTHING!! Everything we have has been gifted to us by Father God in His mercy and kindness. All of Creation is in Gift form. Open hearts, open hands, open doors must be our trademark, we are all called to serve. Freely we have received, now we must freely give. 

That way, when the time comes for it surely will ⏰, Father God will not have to prise our fingers off our ‘stuff’, useless baggage accrued on life’s journey. We come into this world with nothing. We leave this world with only our ‘good deeds’. 

‘Go out to the whole world and proclaim the Good News’. (Mark 16:15)

                                                     Loved my green bench in the sunshine.....☀️

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