Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Glorious gallivanting ๐ŸŽถ☀️

‘Be a witness to Jesus Christ in the way you conduct your ordinary life, and it will become a masterpiece for God’. (Pope Francis)

Tridentine Holy Mass in St. Peter and Paul’s Church Cork city this morning. Beautiful beyond words. I love Holy Mass with all of my heart and soul.

In a doorway a lady lay sleeping under a duvet. She seemed really comfortable. I gently offered her my prayer and widow’s mite. She accepted gratefully before falling back to sleep again. How she could relax and trust in that environment gave me much food for thought.๐Ÿง

Many wonderful prayer- sharings. Marianne and Annie remain joyfully in my heart. Holy Spirit definitely present in both encounters. Profound.

Ellen told me that she is lonely all the time since her husband passed away three years ago. Stray cats visit her and now she has far more ๐Ÿˆ  than she can cope with. Ellen is lonely and tired. ‘Perhaps God is sending them to keep you company. Have you ever thought of that?’ I suggested. Her reply surprised me lifting my heart: ‘When I get too overwhelmed I say: “These are your cats Jesus. You need to help me now’. Ellen’s loneliness will be a distant memory one day soon.

Valentine from Ukraine spoke very little English. She cried sorrowfully. I can not get her out of my mind. ‘Would you like a coffee’, I asked her. Her reply: ‘No thank you. I must walk - walk - walk’, as she tried with all her might to smile. Gracious grief-stricken lady in my heart and prayer this night.

Glorious gallivanting courtesy of my new ‘Free bus pass’. What a Mighty God we serve. ๐ŸŽ†

‘The Lord wants us to make our lives masterpieces through the ordinary things, the everyday things we do. We are called to bear witness to Jesus, right where we live, in our families, at work everywhere, even just by giving the light of a smile, a light that is not our own - it comes from Jesus’. (Pope Francis)

           ‘I will run the way of your commands; You give freedom to my heart’. (Psalm 118:32)

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