Thursday, November 30, 2023

Let go☀️πŸ™πŸ»

‘He will provide the way and the means, such as you could never have imagined. Leave it all to Him, let go of yourself, lose yourself on the Cross, and you will find yourself entirely’. (St. Catherine of Siena)

For no particular reason (or so I thought) I took a different route to Church this morning and thoroughly enjoyed two amazing encounters. First one, lady all the way from Ghana. Gladly accepting my prayer she enquired: ‘Are you a preacher?’. I couldn’t help laughing as I told her that in fact I make sure to say every time I share my prayer: ‘I am sharing not preaching!’. Beautiful lady on her own healing journey, walking with Jesus coz He knows the way!! Her own route, different also to the one she normally takes. Divine appointment!

Second, tall handsome Ukrainian gentleman. He used to pray one time but not anymore. He has no need of it. ‘There are other ways of achieving happiness in life’, he told me. We talked awhile from our respective standpoints and just when I had no idea what to say next, wonderful Holy Spirit to the rescue: ‘You yourself may not need prayer in your life, Sir’, I suggested, ‘But your Homeland Ukraine most certainly does’. He nodded in agreement, we both shook hands and parted company. Every problem is a ‘Prayer’ problem!!

In Church, wonderful warm encounter with French couple. Touring Ireland in their Camper Van, happy and delighted to be in our Church. As they joyfully accepted my prayer, gentleman uttered: ‘You can pray it with the rain’, referring to the fact that my powerful prayer is laminated and rain always at the ready here!!

Quick lunch in Centra Cafe before dashing to St. Anne’s for Holy Rosary with my precious folk. Dear friend Patricia picked me up enroute and dropped me right to the door of St. Anne’s. Joseph, who for the longest time would only nod (no words), now asks every single time: ‘When are you coming here again’ as I’m about to take my leave of that sacred sacrosanct space. No words by me, to articulate how that makes my heart feel.

Upon returning home, a friend dropped by with items of clothing for anyone in need. Within minutes, if not seconds, text to my phone re newcomers to our town who could use a thing or two. Synchronicity. Amazing, as always, how Father God fits everything together for good!! Astonishment!! Deep gratitude consuming every fibre of my being.

I love how one guy put it, as he spoke of one lady who takes more than the others do, even though all of them are in the same boat: ‘She is blocking her future blessings’. He himself in need too but considering everyone else before his own needs, every single time. Smart man! He or she who knows that enough is enough will always have enough.

In the midst of all the above I am lovingly gifted glorious ‘white as snow’ snug coat from the heart of a dear lady. ‘Wear it on Christmas day’, was all she said!

                                ‘The Lord has turned all our sunsets into sunrise’. (St. Clement’)

                                          ‘Bread, Peace and Paradise’. (St. Luigi Orione)

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Christ, our KingπŸŒŸπŸ™πŸ»

Jesus is the joy of every human heart.
‘Our true worth does not consist in what human beings think of us. What we really are consists in what God knows us to be’. (St. John Berchmans)

I read the above first thing this morning and oh so timely! Last night a young lady accepted my prayer (three prayers for her children too) and I am almost certain she then went and giggled with her pals about the whole encounter. In fact I am sure of it.

Returning home feeling a tad stupid and humiliated, I told my best friend Jesus: ‘Well, prayer-sharing is something I do’. Without delay, in my deepest heart I heard: ‘It is not something you do. It is WHAT you do’. Right then, perfect peace descended and thank God I slept soundly.

Writing it down is making something beautiful out of something painful. Works every time.

‘Do something beautiful for God’. (Saint Mother Teresa)

Wonderful sharing with Ukrainian couple in Church this morning. Our topic ‘forgiveness’. I shared St. Mother Teresa’s words: ‘In the final analysis it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway’. Young man holding up my prayer uttered: ‘That is good to contemplate’. Only prayer changes hearts. Forgiveness is a powerful gift to give and receive.

In Church too, after Holy Mass, some of our African friends sang ‘O happy day’ in their own inimitable style. Impromptu. Acapella. With a little practice they will sing at Holy Mass one morning very soon please God. Definitely something beautiful for God!

Today is the Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the universe. With beautiful Jesus, our elder brother as my model and guide, I rise, dust myself off and walk tall in the Gladsome Light of Christ, right on until the road ends.

‘Go forward in my strength and in the Spirit of Adventure’. (Jesus/God calling)

‘That’s the path to peace: being real with Jesus and pouring it all out at His feet. When we empty ourselves before Him, we make space to receive what Jesus wants to give us: new eyes to see and Grace to transform our tension into peace’. (Claire McGarry)

Good morning Jim 🐈☀️

Lord Jesus, I give You my hands to do Your work.
 I give You my feet to go Your way. I give You my eyes to see as You see. 
I give you my tongue to speak Your words.
 I give You my mind to think as You think. 
I give You my spirit so that You may pray in me. 
I give you myself so that You may grow in me.
 So that it is You, Lord Jesus who lives and works and prays in me.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Many hands make light work☀️

‘Today I call you to be my extended hands in this world that puts God in last place. You, little children, put God in first place in your life. God will bless you and give you strength to bear wittness to Him, the God of love and peace’. (Our Lady Medugorje/Feb.25, 2005)

Li and I would mostly meet in Church when she dropped by to light Holy candles. Our chats always warm and interesting. Wonderful knitter of amazing sweaters and one day she told me: ‘I will knit you a sweater soon’. No money she insisted!!

Months passed and just one day before my October trip to Medugorje last year, Li appeared in Church again and quickly invited me to go with her to the Health Store where her knitwear was on display, and select for me any sweater of my liking. No fanfare, just ‘I hope you enjoy it’, as I tried to thank her in my bubbling-over joy. I love my amazing sweater!

One whole year has gone by since then and never once did I lay eyes on Li, until today, that is. Out of the blue as I strolled past the Health Store, wonderful Holy Spirit prompt to enquire of her whereabouts from Susan (proprietor). Amazingly, in all my pondering, the notion of asking Susan never once crossed my mind before today!

Turns out Li has only just returned to Ireland having endured gruelling back surgeries in her own country. She has suffered much, God love her. As I gifted her my humble Medugorje Mother Mary Rosary beads, I asked: ‘Are you still knitting’, to which she replied: ‘Yes, I knit for one hour and I sleep for one hour. All day long’. Holding up her two gifted hands, wrapped now in Mother Mary’s beads, she exclaimed joyfully: ‘I thank God so much for these hands’.

God’s timing is always perfect. Had I met Li any other time in the past year, I would not have gone searching for her today and she would not now be holding Mother Mary’s comforting Rosary beads in her gifted generous hands. Once again our Dear Mother Mary on the lookout for her struggling child.

Dear Mary who holds a ‘lived-out’ PhD in mental pain and suffering, rang later from her cozy Care-Home. In the midst of cooking my dinner, I reminded Mary how blessed she is to have all meals readily handed to her all the time. Mary’s reply lifted my heart to Heaven above: ‘I have enough to do with my hands, carrying my cross’. 

Thankyou Father God for our precious hands. They carry our cross and lots of other stuff too.

‘The mere thought of practicing constant devotion to this Mother of ours brings comfort in every misfortune, in every temptation, in every tribulation. Mary is the only ladder allowing us to climb to eternal happiness…..’. (St. Gabriel of our Lady of Sorrows)

‘Does God have a set way of prayer, a way that He expects each of us to follow? I doubt it. I believe some people - lots of people - pray through the witness of their lives, through the work they do, the friendships they have, the love they offer people and receive from people. Since when are ‘words’ the only acceptable form of prayer’? (Dorothy Day)

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Killarney ❤️

Give me life, O Lord, and I will do Your will. Amen
This morning, Killarney bus was held up by more than one hour (detour due to minor crash) rendering my longed for stopover brief and hurried. I love Killarney. I dropped books to Train Station waiting room, and as always tucked inside each one, laminated copy of St. Teresa of Avila’s unadorned comforting prayer. Gift for travellers.

Quick dash to Dunnes Stores for cozy pyjamas and fluffy socks. Ultra helpful cheerful cashier amazed and thrilled on being offered my powerful prayer. Gentle cashier in Friary shop too. Receiving a prayer from random grandmother in these times definitely a tad strange! but warmly received.

Lady signing Mass card not at all impressed when I suggested to her that I do not like ‘Xmas’, (keeping Christ out of Christmas) so she grumpily deleted it. I remained politely pleasant. St. Augustine’s quote hopped into my heart: ‘Truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself’.

Dylan sat next to me on bus journey back home. When I asked if he knew of  ‘Dylan Thomas’ he informed me that yes, his mother, English teacher, named him after the same Dylan Thomas!! This Dylan was glad to accept my prayer.

Ukrainian lady in tears asked if she may have one of my prayers again. She received it already but has no idea where it might be. Oftentimes, folk request a second one when the time is right and the need arises.

Best wine till last!! Guy scantily clad, stood in the downpour outside pub, smoking his cigarette. Haggard, beaten down. I had walked by him, slow to intrude, but of course Holy Spirit prompt nudged my heart. ‘Yerra I will’, he said taking my prayer and shoving it into his pocket. ‘I am sharing not preaching’, I told him lightly and with that, his sunshine smile most magnificent, lit up his pallid countenance like a thousand suns. Complete transformation!

Definitely I encountered beautiful Jesus outside a pub in rainy Killarney today. No doubt whatever!! Immense richness of God’s goodness. 

‘Truly I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me’.                  (Matt 25:40)

Shortest stay ever in my beloved Killarney but chock-full of all things bright and beautiful. This weekend I was meant to be visiting with family but Father God had another plan and as always His plan is perfect.

‘To love like Jesus: that is what makes us shine, makes us do works of love’. (Pope Francis)

‘It is an amazing experience to feel the grace of God reach out through us to people in so many different ways’. (Fr. John Bartunek)

Friday, November 17, 2023

Pause, ponder and praise God☀️πŸ™πŸ»


Delightful encounter in Church with unforgettable family this morning. I gifted all five of them my powerful prayer and Medugorje Mother Mary Rosary beads. Little Angelina (9 years of age) opened her purse, took from it three Rosary beads and smiling uttered: ‘You gave me two gifts, would you like one of my Rosary beads’.

Awestruck, my eyes were drawn to this one and little Angelina insisted I have it, her Mom too. To receive any Rosary beads is my great joy but this unique one and from the heart of an innocent child….well there are just no words!!

‘It touched the tombs of Monsignor Flaherty and St. Philomena’, sweet Angelina told me proudly. I told her my second name is Philomena! Miraculous Medal and St. Benedict Medal attached to Jesus Holy Cross. Never before have I beheld one like it.

This afternoon I prayed 3PM Live-streamed Holy Rosary on Angelina’s beautiful beads with a grateful heart, Angelina and her beautiful family right there with us in spirit. They will be with me too every single time I pray Holy Rosary on my beautiful beads, received lovingly from the heart of a little child.

The finest return to God is a grateful heart.

                          ‘Beauty is the heart’s encounter with the living God’. (Bill Donaghy)
‘To pray the Holy Rosary is to hand over our burdens to the merciful hearts of Christ and His Mother’. (St.Pope John Paul)

                      Just learned right now that this is ‘Pardon Crucifix Rosary beads’.❤️

                                                                         Powerful Prayer.πŸ™πŸ»

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

‘Put aside your hatred and animosity’.(St. Francis of Paolo)

3PM live-streamed Holy Rosary in Church today, faithful folk praying along with us online. Here in Church though, unlikely trio: Nigerian lady, Ukrainian lady and myself.

Three of us in unison singing Ave Maria between each decade almost moved me to tears. Something so beautiful for God in the midst of so much trouble and strife. Beauty from ashes. 

Does it ever dawn on the minds of warmongers, I wonder, how much real beauty in all it’s glory will forever flourish, in spite of and sometimes (like today) because of, their dastardly deeds! Our God has the final word always and in all things.

Beauty is a great reflection of God Himself. There is no other explanation.

‘Don’t spend your energies on things that generate worry, anxiety and anguish. Only one thing is 
necessary; Lift up your spirit and love God’. (St. Padre Pio)

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

God’s Love in the ordinary☀️πŸ™πŸ»


She gladly accepted my Medugorje rosary beads from Mother Mary and then she began to cry. I told her that Mother Mary put in my heart that each time someone receives one of my Medugorje rosary beads, Mother Mary herself is present in a special way. Mother Mary is a living person.

Lady, visibly moved, uttered through her diamond tears how ridiculous she must appear sobbing uncontrollably. So I told her what my dear friend Rosie had to say one time as I berated myself for thoughtlessly discarding stuff and then wasting myriad minutes searching for it: ‘Oh no dear. Never talk to yourself in that way. Others will be more than happy to do it for you’.

‘And another thing’, I added, as we parted company. ‘Mother Mary has lifted my heart too in our beautiful surprise encounter this morning’. 

Precious moments like these, there’s a fine line between who is giving and who is receiving. Every action is a transaction!

Wonderful Holy Spirit prompt to place a rosary beads in my pocket as I prepared for Holy Mass this morning. Mother Mary looking out for her dear child in need. I merely the humble conduit of God’s redemptive grace and light.

What a precious privilege for me.

Dearest Mother Mary, Queen of peace. Keep our troubled minds at ease’. Amen.

‘I am terribly afraid of intruding on people’s personal inner lives. But when I write personally about myself and my own religious feelings, it is because my heart yearns towards others, that they may know the happiness I do.
Well, my great comfort is that God loves them more than I do, and God our Father wills that all men be saved, and when I pray, ‘Thy will be done’, I’m praying for their salvation’. 
(Dorothy Day/The reckless way of Love)
I love Dorothy Day❤️

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Sunday morning coming down☀️πŸ™πŸ»

              ‘We swim like little fish in the ocean of God’s mercy’. (St. Teresa Margaret/1770)

I got to sing at 10AM Holy Mass in Foilmore Church this morning. How can I possibly articulate how beautifully that precious privilege resonates in my deepest heart. Sitting too on that same side of the Church we used to sit, dear Dad, my siblings and I.

Each time I step back inside the front door of that sacred sacrosanct space I am gloriously catapulted back in time. Back then in the sunny long ago, Sunday mornings, weather permitting, Nellie, our dear pony, would ferry all of us to Holy Mass in that little country Church. (Ten miles round trip). Clear as crystal, I now can see in my mind’s eye, Dear Dad holding the reins, Nellie trotting along and us children on top of the world. 

To this day, folk oftentimes remind me how thoroughly they enjoyed hearing all of us sing our hearts out in unison, as we returned home once again to our dear Mom and Sunday lunch. Endlessly we sang and still do!! One time a neighbour remarked that we were ‘born singing’.

I love how my visiting cats come to dine at the back of my compact cottage while my birds dine in front garden. Never the t’wain shall meet!! Directive on peaceful living and minding one’s own business, delightfully on display right there in these tumultuous times in which we live.

‘O Jesus, we implore You, and we shall always implore You, be pleased to grant us peace in our time’. (St John XX111)

‘Since love completes all, makes all hard things soft, and the difficult easy, let us strive to make all our acts proceed from love’. (St. Arnold Jansen)

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Just do it!!☀️

 ‘If you become Christ’s you will stumble upon wonder upon wonder, and every one of them true’.                    (St. Brendan)
Used to be that some prayer-sharing encounters were amazing, nowadays all of them are! and so many!!

One such encounter - after 3PM Live-streamed Holy Rosary in Church yesterday I gifted a really lovely couple my prayer. Their son, they told me, was doing a piece for television on Monsignor Hugh o’Flaherty. Colm (their son) and his work crew all happily accepted my prayer. Thing is, Colm works too for EWTN and that’s where my powerful prayer was born.

St. Anne’s Holy Rosary today, Jay dashed to his bedroom for his rosary beads. Not long ago he was far too shy to attend, let alone pray a whole decade. So wonderful to behold!! Non-verbal dear lady who makes the sign of the Cross with all of her heart every time we meet, like she is drawing a cozy comforting snug blanket around us both (which of course she is!). What a heavenly greeting! In St. Anne’s, there’s a fierce fine line between who is giving and who is receiving!

I got to pray Chaplet of Divine Mercy at dear Mossy’s bedside. Dear friend of my parents. Soon he will be safely home in Heaven above.

On my way home, young builder guy produced my prayer from his high-vis jacket pocket in the pouring rain. Accepting it freely a few days ago but not at all sure he would be praying it every morning. Today I’m not so sure! God’s amazing Grace.

I sent Mary a riddle through WhatsApp this evening only because she danced into my heart out of the blue. Turns out Mary was feeling quite tearful at that moment and my riddle made her smile.
(Five frogs sitting on a log. Three decided to jump off. How many were left? Answer: Five. 
Three decided to jump but did not. Indecision!).

I love what Monsignor Eugene Morris said this evening on EWTN/Women of Grace:
‘Do we want to change the world? Yes!!
and the beauty is if you attend in prudence to what you’re supposed to do, you are actually going to change the world’. 
Just do it!!

‘O my God, teach me to be generous, to serve You as You deserve to be served, to give without counting the cost, to fight without fear of being wounded, to work without seeking rest, and to spend myself without expecting any reward, but the knowledge that I am doing Your Holy will. Amen’. 
(St. Ignatius of Loyola)

‘Thus, after coming each evening to the foot of Your alter, I will finally reach the last evening of my life. Then will begin for me the unending day of eternity when I will place in Your divine heart the struggles of exile. Amen’. (St. Therese of Lisieux)

Right now, ruminating on how I love the sound of gale-force wind swirling around my little cottage, I open ‘He and I’, (Jesus to Gabrielle Bossis) and to my sheer delight, read the following: ‘If only to have the joy of your thanks, I would create weather like this’. 
Wonder upon wonderπŸ˜€πŸ™πŸ»