Thursday, May 28, 2020

‘She needs another brain scan’.πŸ˜‚

‘I might have died yesterday. I might have died a year ago. I did not; I am here; and it is all by God’s Grace that I am here, Then I must dedicate the day to God’. (Anthony Esolen/Magnificat)

Cathy seemed very pleased with herself, like she had just baked a cake of brown bread and was extremely satisfied with the outcome. I didn’t know her name at that time or that she was the person in control of the whole unit. On my last day, we met again, I asked if she would shed some light on my many missing hours. 

On the night I was admitted, she and Nurse Eileen had a mammoth task in their capable hands, Divine revelation badly needed. My brain scan came back clear but my actions told a much more alarming story. ‘It cannot be clear’, Cathy exclaimed - ‘She needs another brain scan’. 

Things were going from bad to worse when it came to their attention that my sodium levels were dangerously low, breakthrough finally. So it was that I ended up in Coronary Care on drips. 

‘Maybe I will write my book after all, I have the title now’, I interjected: ‘She needs another brain scan’. We laughed heartily. How can I ever thank them for all they did for me, in the midst of Corona pandemic.

I have never witnessed such selflessness, kindness and generosity of spirit, as I did in my ‘God vacation’, in University Hospital Kerry. ‘Did you, by any chance, think I was the president’s wife or someone really important’, I asked, as we parted company. 

Thank you kind folk for putting me back on my feet again, I feel renewed, restored, refurbished.

Kind folk, each and every one of you are in my heart and prayers. You who made my bed, you who served my meals, always with a smile. All you kind caring doctors, nurses and medical staff - you just wanted me to be well again. Thank God I am. 

Thank you my beautiful Guardian Angel. My forever friend, you never left my bedside.

I return home, leaner, weaker, more simple me, soaked in gratitude to God for a wonderful second chance. My rescued life belongs entirely to you, Dear Lord. I return home maybe even - a ‘better me’.

‘I’m just so grateful to be on the journey. I’m so grateful that I can still continue to learn and grow’.           (Sr. Miriam)
                                      Out of Coronary Care, Thank God. Skellig Ward cozy corner.☀️

With Killian, in  ‘much loved’  red πŸš—, heading home after my adventure of a lifetime. Awesome God. Praised be Jesus and Mary forever. AmenπŸ™πŸ»❤️

                                                            Home - Sweet Home.🏑 πŸ™πŸ» 
Shortly after returning home from hospital, I awoke one morning, speaking aloud the following words from wonderful Holy Spirit; ‘I am rebuilding you. This is your rest time. It is my gift to you. Accept and enjoy’. Many months later, August 2021, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that God’s word is true. He does not give us the whole picture but He leads us every step of the way.

‘Faith is not a light which scatters all our darkness, but a lamp which guides our steps in the night and suffices for the journey’. (Lumen fidei 57)

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Star of the sea.🚣

How could I ever forget gazing at the ceiling in Coronary Care, totally perplexed, hearing myself say: ‘Where am I’. ‘In hospital’, someone somewhere replied, and once more blissful oblivion. 

Much later I learned I had suffered two seizures and in the ensuing mayhem (forty eight hours), nobody thought to tell my wonderful carers that I was wearing dentures. Thanks be to God, we made it to dry land, my dentures and me, mammoth Miracle from Awesome God. There can be no other explanation.

One thing renews another, I am reminded of another huge miracle in my childhood. One night a dreadful storm cut loose our humble boat, ‘Star of the sea’, abandoning it to the high merciless seas. Next morning, standing near my deeply distressed Dad, as he gazed in grief on the angry broad Atlantic, realising our boat was gone, remains forever in my heart. 

We were a large family, fish provided many meals in a time when money was extremely sparse. Our little boat surviving the astronomical waves and high winds seemed highly impossible, far fetched, hopeless. Dad named our boat ‘Star of the sea’ after our Blessed Mother, he always had great devotion to her. I have no doubt he prayed earnestly on that grim day, asking Mother Mary to intercede to God for us in our predicament.

Our Blessed Mother Mary did indeed intercede to God on that stormy day. ‘Star of the sea’  travelled many miles, climbing those astronomical waves, eventually coming ashore on Inch strand quite a distance from our home. Not just that, her outboard engine completely intact and in full working order. ‘Star of the sea’ made it to dry land, mammoth miracle from Awesome God, there can be no other explanation.

Dearest Beautiful Mother Mary, you are always our Beautiful Mother, you intercede for us, your children, all the days of our lives. You gave us Jesus on that first Holy Christmas Night in Bethlehem. Jesus gave you to us, at the foot of the terrible Cross in Calvary. Father God you covered every eventuality, in turn, nothing we do for others should ever be too much trouble.

I can recount myriad miracles in my life thus far, each one like the first one, my excitement and gratitude to God new every time. Father God you are Compassion and Love, may I do my utmost to follow suit this day and every day, until my journey’s end.

‘Jesus is bringing me from the gates of death to life, because there was so little left but for me to die, and lo, the Lord grants me the fullness of life’. (St. Faustina’s Diary)

The Holy Souls in Purgatory call our Blessed Mother ‘The Star of the Sea’. She brings them refreshment and light.☀️

Monday, May 11, 2020

The Imitation of Christ.🌺

Morning prayer time, in the company of Heaven, I read an excerpt from that wonderful classic; ‘The Imitation of Christ’.

‘Remind yourself of the undertaking to which you are committed, and then go and look at your Crucifix’.

A little piece of my baggage fell overboard, another little piece of freedom, jumped in.

‘Jesus crucified! If only we could get that into our hearts, all the learning we need would be ours in no time’. (The Imitation of Christ).

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Go Within - or go Without.πŸ’Ž

To put in writing copious thoughts and ideas, offload them for posterity, is a huge gift from Almighty God

Nurturing my soul feeds my writing, beautiful Holy Spirit wisdom is there for all of us to tap into, an ever flowing fountain of purest gold. Information with insight and tenderness. 

Wisdom gives us light in our minds and love in our wills. Holy Spirit enables us to see as God sees, know as God knows, and be wise as God is wise.

Yet, oftentimes we soldier on, seeking out more and more information while priceless pearls of wisdom elude us. Neglecting our spiritual life is akin to living in a tent, all the while, ignoring the beautiful castle at the end of my garden. 

If we will not go within - we will go without.

‘Lord, teach us to number our days, that we may get a heart of Wisdom’. (Psalm 90;12)

Friday, May 8, 2020

I am a pen in the Hand of God.🌠

Everything belongs to you, Dear God. Inspiration comes from your Holy Spirit, photos, from your Nature Reserve, quotations from your Holy Bible - The Living Word. I am merely a pen in the Hand of God. 

‘How great is this work of The Most High God! I am but His instrument’. (St. Faustina)

I am unique though, there are no copies. Only I can carry out Your mission for me, freshly minted from Your Holy Hands. If I do not, then it will not get done. 

To be a Missionary Disciple is my greatest desire.

‘You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and have appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain’. (John 15:16)

Thursday, May 7, 2020

God is Love.❤️

Jay’s body was found, our little town is shocked and greatly saddened. The weather says it all, grey day with deep fog covering everything. Panoramic views disappeared, we are locked in, physically and emotionally.

Corona obliterated Jay’s world, his business and social life disappeared in one fell swoop, all he ever knew was gone. Corona is doing that a lot in these concerning times. 

However, as smart as Corona thinks she is, there is much she cannot touch. She cannot lay a finger on our hope and belief that God’s Mercy will envelop Jay. Mercy is God’s greatest attribute. 

Let us pray The Chaplet of Divine Mercy for Jay’s soul, let us stand with Mother Mary at the foot of the Cross. Mother Mary will offer our sufferings to Jesus, they will not be wasted.

May the Lord have mercy on your gentle soul, Jay.

‘Let us love one another, for Love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God’. (1 John 4:7)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ruairi’s Birthday.🎁

Ruairi is 36 years old today. My second son, guy with a beautiful nature.

Everything finally fell apart for us when Ruairi was just eighteen. His father’s alcohol problem winning outright, leaving us no choice but leave home and begin again. Looking back now, it seems impossible that we made it through. For sure, God lavished abundant Grace on us at all times. There can be no other explanation.

After a scenic route with many twists and turns, Ruairi now teaches in a secondary school. He is very fortunate to be teaching English, his favourite subject of all time, his students are very fortunate too, Ruairi’s kind nature will encourage many.

Today, in these Corona days, there can be no Birthday Party, no get together. We talk and laugh on the telephone most days, our deep love makes the painful separation bearable. Our hearts are full of gratitude to God for countless Blessings in our lives, we will be together soon again, le Cunamh De. No such thing as false hope!

Happy Birthday, dear Ruairi. Thankyou from my heart, for choosing me to be your Mom. Definitely, God prompted you, there can be no other explanation.

‘The kinder and more intelligent a person is the more kindness he can find in others’.
 (Leo Tolstoy)

                                                            Made it Ma. Top of the worldπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Monday, May 4, 2020

Unattached as tumbleweed...

‘I came to Bethlehem to seek them and I shall go on seeking them right to the end of the world. This is the patience of God. This is His Love’. (Jesus to Gabriel Bossis/‘He and I)

As our world gets more up to date and progressive, Technology is the new ‘go to’ guy. Fast and furious our queries are being solved. As great minds come up with the most astounding ideas, gadgets of all sizes and shapes flood our world, all eyes on screens. 

Are we using technology or is technology using us? In countless ways it is a wonderful thing, we are richer because of it, only we forgot that God made and owns everything, without Him nothing would exist. Without God, we ourselves would not exist. 

God was being treated lukewarm, now He could quietly slip away, who would notice? In any relationship, to be rejected outright is by far more respectable than to be treated lukewarm. ‘So, because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth’. (Rev 3:16).

Nowadays, many people are working remotely, Technology has moved home, gadgets aren’t playthings anymore, they are running the show. Or are they? Like the Wonderful Father He is, God is a tireless seeker, He is waiting for all of His children to return. He knows our weakness and frailty, His Mercy knows no end, He will never give up on us. We are children of the the Most High God, that is who we really are. 

‘Our God is Father. He never gives up in disappointment. He waits until the end. He has given us His Son as our Brother so He May walk with us and be our light amid darkness and accompany us towards “the blessed and definitive hope”. (Pope Frances)

‘....this stupid world where gadgets are gods, and we go on talking, many about much, but remain alone. Alive but alone, belonging - where? Unattached as tumbleweed’. (W.H. Auden)

‘You children of men, it is you I have been calling so persistently; it is you I am addressing; it is you I desire and seek; it is you I am claiming. Listen, draw close to me, for I want to make you happy’.
(Proverbs 8:4)

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Lady Bumble. 🐝

Every morning in my Prayer time, Lady Bumble drops by. Landing with great gusto, her tones clear as crystal in the peace and calm. Never outstaying her welcome, Lady Bumble is just glad to be alive, she wants to tell somebody, anybody. Thankyou Lady Bumble, I am deeply honoured.

In theses calm Corona days we are being taught many lessons, myriad distractions are gone up in smoke. God is speaking to us through His creatures great and small. We are being enlightened.

‘The bee is honoured more than other animals, not because she labours but because she labours for others’. (St. John Chrystostom)