Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ruairi’s Birthday.🎁

Ruairi is 36 years old today. My second son, guy with a beautiful nature.

Everything finally fell apart for us when Ruairi was just eighteen. His father’s alcohol problem winning outright, leaving us no choice but leave home and begin again. Looking back now, it seems impossible that we made it through. For sure, God lavished abundant Grace on us at all times. There can be no other explanation.

After a scenic route with many twists and turns, Ruairi now teaches in a secondary school. He is very fortunate to be teaching English, his favourite subject of all time, his students are very fortunate too, Ruairi’s kind nature will encourage many.

Today, in these Corona days, there can be no Birthday Party, no get together. We talk and laugh on the telephone most days, our deep love makes the painful separation bearable. Our hearts are full of gratitude to God for countless Blessings in our lives, we will be together soon again, le Cunamh De. No such thing as false hope!

Happy Birthday, dear Ruairi. Thankyou from my heart, for choosing me to be your Mom. Definitely, God prompted you, there can be no other explanation.

‘The kinder and more intelligent a person is the more kindness he can find in others’.
 (Leo Tolstoy)

                                                            Made it Ma. Top of the worldπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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