Monday, May 4, 2020

Unattached as tumbleweed...

‘I came to Bethlehem to seek them and I shall go on seeking them right to the end of the world. This is the patience of God. This is His Love’. (Jesus to Gabriel Bossis/‘He and I)

As our world gets more up to date and progressive, Technology is the new ‘go to’ guy. Fast and furious our queries are being solved. As great minds come up with the most astounding ideas, gadgets of all sizes and shapes flood our world, all eyes on screens. 

Are we using technology or is technology using us? In countless ways it is a wonderful thing, we are richer because of it, only we forgot that God made and owns everything, without Him nothing would exist. Without God, we ourselves would not exist. 

God was being treated lukewarm, now He could quietly slip away, who would notice? In any relationship, to be rejected outright is by far more respectable than to be treated lukewarm. ‘So, because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth’. (Rev 3:16).

Nowadays, many people are working remotely, Technology has moved home, gadgets aren’t playthings anymore, they are running the show. Or are they? Like the Wonderful Father He is, God is a tireless seeker, He is waiting for all of His children to return. He knows our weakness and frailty, His Mercy knows no end, He will never give up on us. We are children of the the Most High God, that is who we really are. 

‘Our God is Father. He never gives up in disappointment. He waits until the end. He has given us His Son as our Brother so He May walk with us and be our light amid darkness and accompany us towards “the blessed and definitive hope”. (Pope Frances)

‘....this stupid world where gadgets are gods, and we go on talking, many about much, but remain alone. Alive but alone, belonging - where? Unattached as tumbleweed’. (W.H. Auden)

‘You children of men, it is you I have been calling so persistently; it is you I am addressing; it is you I desire and seek; it is you I am claiming. Listen, draw close to me, for I want to make you happy’.
(Proverbs 8:4)

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