Monday, May 11, 2020

The Imitation of Christ.๐ŸŒบ

Morning prayer time, in the company of Heaven, I read an excerpt from that wonderful classic; ‘The Imitation of Christ’.

‘Remind yourself of the undertaking to which you are committed, and then go and look at your Crucifix’.

A little piece of my baggage fell overboard, another little piece of freedom, jumped in.

‘Jesus crucified! If only we could get that into our hearts, all the learning we need would be ours in no time’. (The Imitation of Christ).


  1. Hi, I hope you will remember me, I have done your papers earlier and I was thinking to come down to say goodbye but unfortunately, I got caught up with urgent work. mind yourself and take care, I don't want to say see you again in that place but looking forward to seeing you again in a different situation maybe. keep on that smile and don't forget about the advice I told you about. I wish you all the best and do pray for me.

    1. Thank you very much Gamar for every single thing. Of course I remember you.
      I would be very grateful if you could run that advice by me again.
      Rest assured of my prayers.
      Robin (B)
