Thursday, May 7, 2020

God is Love.❤️

Jay’s body was found, our little town is shocked and greatly saddened. The weather says it all, grey day with deep fog covering everything. Panoramic views disappeared, we are locked in, physically and emotionally.

Corona obliterated Jay’s world, his business and social life disappeared in one fell swoop, all he ever knew was gone. Corona is doing that a lot in these concerning times. 

However, as smart as Corona thinks she is, there is much she cannot touch. She cannot lay a finger on our hope and belief that God’s Mercy will envelop Jay. Mercy is God’s greatest attribute. 

Let us pray The Chaplet of Divine Mercy for Jay’s soul, let us stand with Mother Mary at the foot of the Cross. Mother Mary will offer our sufferings to Jesus, they will not be wasted.

May the Lord have mercy on your gentle soul, Jay.

‘Let us love one another, for Love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God’. (1 John 4:7)

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