Sunday, May 10, 2020

Go Within - or go Without.💎

To put in writing copious thoughts and ideas, offload them for posterity, is a huge gift from Almighty God

Nurturing my soul feeds my writing, beautiful Holy Spirit wisdom is there for all of us to tap into, an ever flowing fountain of purest gold. Information with insight and tenderness. 

Wisdom gives us light in our minds and love in our wills. Holy Spirit enables us to see as God sees, know as God knows, and be wise as God is wise.

Yet, oftentimes we soldier on, seeking out more and more information while priceless pearls of wisdom elude us. Neglecting our spiritual life is akin to living in a tent, all the while, ignoring the beautiful castle at the end of my garden. 

If we will not go within - we will go without.

‘Lord, teach us to number our days, that we may get a heart of Wisdom’. (Psalm 90;12)

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