Saturday, November 14, 2020

My Angel from God.☀️

‘Every day; every hour, we can thoughtlessly fall aside and miss the way. For this reason God gives us the Angel at our side so that at all times we may have his light as our guide’. (Mother Gabrielle)

Running late this evening, I was about to take a shortcut through a darkish alleyway on my way to Church when out of the blue a memory emerged, causing me to change my mind. Instead, I knocked on my friend Ger’s door and he walked with me the rest of the way. As I related my tale to Ger, I was almost as shocked as he was. The memory was not buried, I recalled it occasionally through the years but speaking it out made it real and profound.

Back then, residing in flatland Dublin, I was returning from Holy Mass on a dark, windy, winter’s evening, extremely cold. The alleyway near my flat was no length at all, I would be home in a jiffy. Before I knew it, in a split second, I was being grabbed and knocked to the ground. After what seemed like a minute, he was gone. My attacker scarpered, leaving me bewildered and shaken on the cold cement.

As I began to walk, I noticed the silhouette of somebody coming towards me in the darkness. Just before he got to me, however, he must have turned off in another direction as he just disappeared before my very eyes. Thing is, my attacker must have spied him, hence his mad dash into the night.

Thanks be to God, I emerged unscathed, apart from a gash on my face where he covered my mouth with his hand, nothing lasting, nothing life changing, 

There is not one scintilla of doubt in my heart that my beautiful Angel Guardian came to my rescue that evening. If it weren’t for him on that cold windy December evening over forty years ago, the trajectory of my life would indeed have been very different. I shudder to think!!

How shocked and flabbergasted we will be when we meet our Angels face to face, and learn how often in our lives we have been shielded and safeguarded by them. We will be thanking them for all eternity.

‘I thanked God for His goodness, that He gives us Angels for companions. Oh how little people reflect on the fact that they always have beside them such a guest and at the same time a witness to everything! Remember, sinners, that you likewise have a witness to all your deeds’. (St. Faustina 630)

Every conversation with my sons and friends end always with the following prayer, I can never stop thanking God for my Angel. I can never stop thanking my Angel for working full time in all weathers up and down the years keeping me safe and secure. My Angel is my faithful wonderful companion, best friend and my mentor.

O Angel of God my guardian dear, to whom God’s Love commits me here, every this day/night be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

‘For He will give His Angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they will bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone’. (Psalm 91:11-12)

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