Sunday, November 29, 2020

Praying for the Holy Souls.πŸ™πŸ»πŸ“Ώ

Today’s cemetery sublime, our second last day of Pilgrimage for Holy Souls. Serene, lonesome, yet not in a downcast way. Perhaps, bright November sunshine lifting ambiance of this Sacred place. 

As we ambled prayerfully from the new section to the very old part, we spied what looked like a walled garden in it’s midst. Christine, reared in the vicinity, informed us that we were gazing on a very ancient Church, Holy Eucharist celebrated here many times up and down the long years. We entered in awe, thanking God yet again for another beautiful experience in this month of Pilgrimage.

‘Take off your sandals from your feet, for the place where you are standing is Holy ground’. (Joshua 5:15)

Every November up to now, I have prayed for Holy Souls. However, this time of pilgrimage has really heightened my awareness of them, Holy Souls and I now on first name terms. What a powerful grace from God to be able to help them by my prayers, sacrifices, and having Holy Masses offered for them. Totally dependent on us, dear Holy Souls can no longer merit Grace for themselves.

They never stop interceding for us. To be able to assist them on their way to Heaven, there are no words to express my happiness and gratitude to God, so easy to do, so very worthwhile.

‘My greatest pleasure is to go to the cemetery to say my beads, and meditate on that unending happiness which so many of them are already enjoying’. (St. Damien of Molokai)

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