Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The White House.🏡


In 2017, our tumble down shack qualified for a grant, my good friend Dermot did all the paper-work. He came up with the idea, he applied for the grant, he filled out copious forms, he liaised with the people involved. Dermot, our knight in shining armour is a good man and forever up there on my ‘Thank you God’ checklist.

In my wildest dreams I could never have envisaged how it would all end up. Our drab off-yellow ancient cottage is now a dynamic white - hence ‘The White House’. New windows and doors that not only look amazing, they keep all draughts out too, new concept for us. Solar panels on the roof and the whole house insulated throughout. Consummate transformation, incredible.

One time we lived in an igloo, nowadays we reside in an incubator. Articulating how we feel is unachievable, not alone did Dermot go well beyond the extra mile, the ‘Grant’ folk did too. Mary and Youenn made everything sound easy and possible, always with a smile. The workmen were extremely adept at their work, exceedingly pleasant, always leaving everything spic and span. 

I got great joy leaving them many packets of chocolate biscuits and sweets every day. On their final day, they called me up at my place of work to thank me for the treats. Wonderful hard working gifted men, I will forever remember and admire. 

Thank-you kind folk, each and every one of you is forever in my heart and prayer.

Like a make-over television program, everyone waiting in the wings to swoop in and fix everything, simply surreal. I worked hard to pay for our little cottage, but renovating it would have been out of the question, for two reasons. My bereft bank balance, and no wish or desire to own the best house on the block.

My vocation from God is my life and now I am free to do what I know God is asking of me, returning home every evening to my cozy warm home. Who can fathom our Omnipotent God, His goodness and kindness know no limit. He will never be outdone in generosity.

Cardinal Robert Sarah writes; ‘Words spoil anything that surpasses them’ and so it is with ‘The White House’. Our little tumble down shack got the touch of The Master’s Hand. Our igloo has melted, our hearts are brimming with gratitude, our cup runneth over. 

‘For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God’. (Hebrews 3:4)

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